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Gunshots and horse hooves stomping on the pavement were heard approaching the town. Civilians flee for cover, but Ray stood where he was in the middle of the street. Six men on horses came into view. The Stillwater gang.

"One of mine is dead!" The oldest man announced. "And this here town's gonna pay." His eyes fell on Ray. "Now, who the hell are you supposed to be?" He asked Ray.

"John Wayne. Salvation's new sheriff. And this here town's under my protection."

"Well, you being new and all, you don't know 'bout the arrangement that we got. See, me and my boys, we ride into town, we take whatever we want."

"In exchange for what?"

"Not killing nobody." He shared a laugh with his boys.

"Well, that sounds reasonable and all, but arrangement's over." Ray told him.

"Arrangements over boys." He looked at his men. He slowly got off of his horse and approached Ray. "They teach you numbers where it is you're from? 'Cause the way I see it, there's only one of you and a whole mess of us." He drew his gun, but I shot it out of his hand and cocked the gun again.

"You get out of town, and you don't come back, or the next bullet goes in your eye." Ray threatened Stillwater. "I got sharpshooters all around. You really wanna test me?"

"Let's ride, boys." His men put their guns back in their holsters and Stillwater and his posse rode off. The town applauded Ray as he stood there proud.


"Dude, that was badass!" Jax said to Ray as we traveled down the halls of the waverider with Jonah and Sammy.

"Let's not oversell it." Leonard commented.

"Running a bad guy out of town's always been on my bucket list." I looked in front of me at Sara who was walking next to Sammy. She hadn't said a word to me all day, and man was she stubborn.

"Bucket list?" Jonah and Sammy asked simultaneously.

"A list of things one hopes to accomplish before they die." Stein explained to the two.

"Well, you better hope it's a real short list, String Bean." Sammy told him.

"We can handle the Stillwater gang." Ray assured him.

"Well, you're all just tearing up the 1870's, aren't you?" Rip scolded from the parlour.

"Stillwater and his gang's like a hornets nest, and your friends here keep poking at it." Jonah yelled.

"They saved the town from being raided, man." Jax defended Ray.

"Today, but what about tomorrow?" I sided with Sammy and Jonah.

"Or the day after that?" Hex added.

"For a bunch of time travelers, you don't seem to understand the future much." Sammy eyed me.

"Look, if this is about Turnbull-" Hex cut me off.

"The day will come when you'll all leave and Salvation will end up like Calvert." Jonah eyed Rip when Sammy kept her eyes on me.

"Sammy, I told Jonah and he didn't listen. He told me he told you."

"You should have told me yourself." Sammy looked at me heartbroken.

"What's a Calvert?" Mick asked.

"A closed matter." Rip kept his eyes on Jonah. "A word Mr. Hex and Miss Lance. I believe you've all done enough for one day." Rip brought them to another room.

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