Out Of Time...

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Six months later...

France, 1637

"I look like an idiot." Mick complained, looking at his outfit.

"I rather like the style of le Mousquetaires de la garde." Stein disagreed with Mick.

"You would." Mick muttered in response.

"Can we concentrate, please?" I asked the two gentlemen.

"King Louis XIII is scheduled to meet an untimely end at the hand of Cardinal Richelieu's men at any moment." Rip chimed in.

"Roger that. I have eyes on the king." Ray said over the comms.

"Whatever you do, do not let him out of your sight." I told him sternly.

"But, if today's when he's supposed to, you know, with the queen, I-"

"Raymond, without that consummation there will be no Louis Courtures, no sun king, and no golden age of France." Martin reminded him.

"Which means by extension no Madame Curie, no Louis Pasteur." Rip added.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. History will be totally screwed, but I don't have to be there for the actual, you know, consummation, do I?"

"Sara? I need to know that the queen is secure." I frantically tried to get Sara to answer her comms.

"Meantime, I believe I've identified our assassins and I'd wager those aren't swords on their hips." Stein drew our attention to the men on top of the king's balcony.

"Ah, yes, that would explain the aberration." Rip told us. While we were talking, one of the men fired his laser gun, yes his laser gun, at us. After that all hell broke loose. All of us were fighting and my attention was drawn to Ray who was in his super suit.

"What did I say about using powers and future Dr. Palmer?"

"Well, yeah, but they started it." Ray pointed out.

"Don't look at me. I left my gun on the ship like a good little boy scout." My approached us with the king walking behind him.

"What's going on?" He asked as firestorm landed. "Who are you people?" Sara came out of the chateau with her dress covered in wrinkles.

"I believe the queen is waiting for you in her bedroom, your grace." She courtsied.

"And I bet she's all warmed up for you." Jax laughed.

"Shut your mouth Jax or I'll cut your eyeballs out and feed them to you."

"I believe our work here is done." I said, disappointed.


"Put another successful mission in the books." Ray said happily as we all walked back to the bridge. "Where are we off to next?"

"Gideon and I have predicted a 96% likelihood of another aberration in Bhopal, 1912." Stein informed everyone.

"Why can't it be Aruba, 2016?" Mick complained.

"For real. We've been going non-stop for the past six months." Jax pointed out.

"Nobody wants to address the fact that Cardinal Richelieu's men were armed with laser guns?" Sara asked the group.

"Clearly provided to them by a time pirate of some such." Stein decided.
"Ah, Grey's right. We need to find out who, so-" Rip cut Jax off angrily.

"You can get another chance at destroying the very history that you're supposed to be protecting?" Rip threw his hat across the room.

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