The resolution

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Me and Rip were making repairs to the waverider when Kendra and Carter walked in.

"He's gone. Our son-or our son from our previous life. It's all still confusing." Kendra told us.

"I'm very sorry." Rip told them.

"Actually, you two don't get the blame for this. This was my fault. If I hadn't insisted on bringing him back here he might have died peacefully, in his sleep maybe."
"Don't torture yourself with recriminations." I told them. "One of the greatest lessons of time travel is that many things cannot be changed."

"Time wants to happen." Rip added as the rest of the team walked in. "Chronos, even Vandal won't be the only enemy we face. Very often it will be time itself."

"Whether it wants to happen or not, we're going to change time, erase Savage's future, and earn our rightful place in history." Ray told us. I smiled. I was happy that Sara was staying on the ship. And I would be lying to myself if I said I didn't still love her. But, the mission is to save my family. Not to get my happy ending. I wasn't meant for that.

"Dr. Palmer is correct. We may not be legends in your time, captains, but we are going to decide our own fates." Stein explained to us.

"I don't give a damn about being a legend, as long as we end Savage once and for all." Carter added.

"I can get down with that." Jax chimed in.

"And our malcontents?" Stein asked Snart and Rory.

"I like killing people." Mick said bluntly.

"We're in. For now." Snart clarified.

"So how do we find this guy?" Sara asked, still holding her wrist from earlier.

"Professor Boardman had a theory about that. I've already had Gideon plot a course." Rip told the legends.

"But in the meantime, Gideon should probably check out your hand Sara." I told her. She nodded and we headed to the medbay.


"Gideon?" I asked the AI as Sara sat down in one of the medbay chairs.

"Miss Lance has suffered a hairline fracture in three different places. It will take me 90 minutes to heal her."

"Thank you Gideon." Gideon started to heal Sara's hand while I pulled up a chair.

"You don't have to stay." She told me.

"I want to." I smiled.

"Look, I'm sorry."

"What for?"

"When I tried to punch you-it wasn't about the legends thing. It was about the fact I'm still mad at you for leaving." She admitted.

"I know. And I know you must have a lot of questions. So, ask away."

"Why did you help Rip after everything he's done for you? If you loved 2012 as much as you said you did and he tore you away, why help him?"

"In 2152, a man-a kid by the name Per Degaton released the Armageddon virus with the help of Savage. That virus killed my parents. I was 11 at the time. I went to live with Rip and his wife Miranda. They became like parents to me. Jonas was like a brother to me. When Miranda and Jonas died, I was with Rip and the time masters. I was devastated. I felt the need to avenge them. Which is why I went to work with Rip. Although I hate him for taking me away from you and Nanda Parbat, I needed- I still need him. To avenge their deaths."

"You still miss me?"

"Of course I do. I wasn't lying when I told you what happened. When Rip took me, I missed you so much. But, after a few months I realized that I wasn't meant to be with you. Or anyone else. I wasn't destined for that kind of life."

'How long has it been for you? Since you left."

"8 years."

"If you still miss me after 8 years, maybe it is meant to be." She told me lightly.

I chuckled. "Maybe. I still love you Sara, but I need to get my family back." I explained to her.

"I'll always be here." After that, we spent the 90 minutes just catching up. It felt a lot like old times. Except for the fact that we were on a 22nd century timeship. But yeah, old times. Old people. Old feelings.

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