Raiders Of The Lost Art Part 1...

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Thought you guys would rather have a happy, short chapter than a longer, more depressing chapter, so I hope you enjoy!

Regrettingly, I helped Rip take on his new identity. I knew he didn't know who I was, which is why I accepted his new life, in an attempt to keep an eye on him. And it worked, well, sort of. We were both in film school and we were co-directing a screenplay- all about the Legends. Rip- well, Phillip Gasmer's subconscious picked up what happened with the Legends as fiction. So, he knew what happened, but thought none of it was real. It wasn't that easy for me, however. I knew that what happened wasn't fictional- I couldn't stop thinking about the Legends and Sara. And I missed my uncle. Not that any of that mattered now.

"Subjugating the world to your rule is not saving it." The actor playing Rip said. "You would create a wasteland, and call it peace."

"Do not misquote Tacitus to me." The actor playing Vandal Savage responded. "I knew him well. I lived long enough to watch civilizations rise and fall-"

"Cut, just stop. Cut, please." My Rip pinched the bridge of his nose. "And everyone take five." He added. "I just need to...think." He stormed off, calling me and George Lucas after him. "George, Jes!"


"What do I do?" Rip started pacing outside the place where we were filming our play.

"I mean, it wasn't that bad." George tried to reason with him.

"What? You saw him. I just can't seem to get Peter to bring any menace to the part. We may need to recast."

"No, no, no. We don't have time to recast, okay? Our thesis film is due in less than a month."

"I know, I know, but a film is only as good as its villain and we have an antagonist who is as threatening as a weiner dog!" Rip complained.

"Rip and Jessica Hunter!" I turned around. It was Malcolm Merlyn and Damien Darhk.

"No, we're the directors. Rip and Jessica are being played by Adam and Georgia Glassman. They're probably at craft services." Rip said, me playing along innocently. If I didn't, they'd kill me.

"It's nice to see your reputation for dry humor is well earned." Damien commented.

"You see this is what I'm talking about." Rip said, pointing at the two villains. "You guys are good."

"Yeah, these are- these are great props. Did you make these yourselves?" George reached for Darhk's gun. Darhk pushed him back and aimed the gun at his chest.

"Hey, we are on something of a clock here." Merlyn complained.

"Oh my god, it's Jes and Rip!" I thought I was dreaming. I heard Sara's voice. I looked up and there she was- the love of my life.

"It's about damn time!" I yelled, smiling at the Legends.

"Don't worry, guys, we'll save you." Ray assured us.

"Who the hell are you guys?" A confused Rip asked the Legends.

"We don't have time for this." Darhk sighed, opening fire on Sara and the rest of the team. I joined the Legends in their fight against Darhk and Merlyn as Rip and George went to hide.

"Get Rip out of here!" Sara instructed the team.

"Hey, come on, we gotta go." Jax tried to grab him, making Rip retaliate with a roll of paper.

"!" He hit Jax with the paper.

"What the hell man?" Jax took the paper and started hitting him.

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