Spark a doobie...

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"So, who wants a hit?" Marty asked us.

"Yeah, man." Jax reached for the weed, but Stein got there first.

"I believed you told me you were trying to quit."

"Oh, none for you silver top?" Marty asked his older self.

"I-" He stopped when I reached next to him and grabbed the weed, taking a hit before handing it to Sara.

"I don't partake in cannabis." We all gave him looks. "Anymore, that is." He corrected. "In fact, perhaps you should take it easy."

"Ah, it helps me think better." He explained.

"Yes, but what about the long term health consequences?" Stein asked his younger self who was eating chips. "Speaking of which, you might want to lay off the saturated fats. So, uh alpha particles. Oof. Exciting stuff. Too bad detection is at least a decade away."

"More like two decades. But I've worked up a little something. Science is all about the future right? I've developed a prototype particle tracker. Cutting edge. Probably going to mint me $1,000,000."

"Wow a whole million!" Sara spoke up.

"Be right back. I think I've got some chocolate chip cookie dough in the fridge." Marty ran off and Stein got up.

"I cannot believe that is you." Sara told him as me, her, and Jax followed the professor.

"Seriously, I had no idea that you were ever cool. And I'm a time master." I added.

"I wasn't cool. I was an arrogant little snot."


"What are you doing?" Sara asked him. At this point, Stein was frantically searching through the cabinets of the younger Stein's lab.

"Looking for my younger self's particle tracker. Keep an eye on the door and when I get back, both of you stop flirting with me."

"You were the one flirting with us." I pointed out.

"Look, what's the big deal? I mean, younger you isn't married yet, so technically it's not cheating."

"October 1975. This is right when he meets Clarissa." I explained to Jax and Sara.

"Precisely. So obviously, I wouldn't want my former self tempted by two sexy assassins from the future."

"Awww you think we're se-" Sara started, but was cut off by Stein.

"Don't finish that sentence."


After about 20 minutes, Stein had finally found the tracker, but Marty had come back to find us.

"Excellent job watching the door." Stein murmured to us.

"What are you doing?" I grabbed something off the counter and hit young Stein over the head with it.

"What was that?"

"That was going to take too long."

"That beautiful brain struck unconscious."

"What are you doing?" Sara asked Stein, who started setting an alarm clock.

"Tonight is the faculty mixer. One of the professors is bringing his niece. AKA my future wife." We all started to walk away before me and Sara both reached back to the weed on the counter. Our hands touched one another. We smiled and walked off, not bothering to release our hands.


I hope you guys enjoyed the little Jera moment at the end. I'm sorry this one is so short, but I kind of just crashed. I will add another chapter tonight, but other than that I hope you guys enjoy! 

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