Cosa mi stai facendo Sara Lance?

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"That wasn't so bad, was it?" Rip asked the crew.

"Walk in the park." Snart replied sarcastically. "So, where are we now?"

"Washington D.C. The year is 1986." I told the kleptomaniac.

"We've landed at the height of the Cold War in a world poised for nuclear annihilation." Stein pointed out.

"We've traveled here because I have a new lead on Vandal Savage's location."

"Yes. Gideon managed to intercept this telefax concerning Savage's last known whereabouts."


"It's like an email on paper." I explained to Jax.

"Wow, that's totally useless." Mick pointed out the large areas of black on the paper.

"Dude, the whole thing's crossed out."

"Yeah, redacted by the US government, which is why we are here to steal the original file on Savage back from those who are tracking him." Rip and I lead the team to a window in which the Pentagon could be seen from."

"Uh, that's the," Ray started, but it seemed like he couldn't find the words."

"Now, now, don't worry we are cloaked." I told the team.

"You want us to break into the Pentagon? Sounds awesome." Mick grunted.

"It sounds crazy." Kendra corrected him.

"What's the plan?" Sara asked, unfazed by the task.

"The fabricator will fashion you the necessary Pentagon coordentials."

"Oh, and don't forget our G-man disguises. I always wanted to be a spy." Ray said, clearly excited.


I walked into the fabrication where Sara and Kendra were laughing about something. Kendra, who was facing the door, stopped laughing and turned to Sara.

"I'll give you two a moment." She walked out of the room, but not before giving Sara a subtle smirk.

"Are we ever going to talk?"

"Depends what it's about." She said, not turning around. I walked around and took a seat across from her.

"I think you know what I want to talk about."

"Look, I can't say honestly that I didn't enjoy that kiss, but I think we both know you need to focus on saving your family and patching up your relationship with Rip." She said getting up.

"I'll make up with Rip if you agree to go out with me." I also got up.

"No chance."


"How do you face rejection so well?"

"Because, someday, you're not going to be able to keep your hands off me." I slowly walked towards her until her back hit the wall. "E non vedo l'ora che arrivi quel giorno." I had learned Italian before joining the league and it had never failed to make Sara swoon. Until today.

"Oh come sono cambiate le carte in tavola." She lightly pushed me away from her.

"Did you always know Italian?"

"No, but after you left I wanted to make sure no one else seduced me like that." She said before grabbing the credentials Gideon made for her and walking away.

"Dammit." I murmured as she left. "Gideon, I need you to teach me how to speak French! Cosa mi stai facendo Sara Lance?" I whispered to myself.


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