The Legion of Doom Part 1...

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I honestly just didn't have time to write the full episode right now, but I'm gonna try to write the next part ASAP.

Hopefully after this episode I won't have to split the episodes up into two parts again.

Hope you enjoy!!


"Hmm, you know, I'll be honest." Darhk contemplated as he sharpened his knife against a small slab of metal. "Which I have to admit, I don't have much practice in. I don't like this situation. Not one bit." There were too many things I wanted to say to him. Most of them were variations of "fuck you," but still. I had no way of letting out more than a grunt, seeing as Rip and I had been gagged the night before. "For one thing, Mr. Thawne has this habit of treating me like a henchman. And do you know what all henchmen have in common, Captains?" We stayed silent, obviously. "No thoughts on this one? The thing that all henchmen have in common is that they all end up dead. A fate that I am fastidiously trying to avoid. Maybe it's just that I hate taking orders. Or being threatened. You don't like being threatened, do you?" He held the dagger inches from my face, the tip of the blade lined up with my left eye.

I grunted softly, still unable to do anything else.

"Hm? What's that? Oh, sorry." He pulled my gag down.

"You're a fucking bastard you know that? When I get out of here I am going to kill you."

He laughed, as if I were simply joking. "That's your mistake. Thinking you'll get out of here alive." He then turned his sights to Rip. "What about you? Do you like being threatened?"

He pulled Rip's gag down as well. "Oh, god no."

"Which is why I need you to cooperate." He glanced at me. "And make no mistake, if you don't, I won't kill you. I'll kill him." He took a step back so that he could look at both of us at the same time. "Back to what I was saying, I need your cooperation to end Mr. Thawne's tedious threats."

"Look, I- I don't know anything." Rip insisted, his voice trembling to a point where it was barely recognizable.

"Shh. I can't take your word for it. But don't worry. I will start you both off with an easy question. Right eye or left eye?" He started to walk towards Rip.

"No, please. Please don't. I'll do anything. I'll- I'll tell you anything you want to know! Even if I don't know it! Please, don't!"

"Shh. Second question. When's the last time you've had any dental work done?" My face dropped. They were going to find it. And Darhk didn't hesitate to put the dagger into Rip's mouth, searching for an answer I knew he would find.


"Who's to say he won't kill us anyway? Even after we've gotten his precious spear?" Malcolm asked me and Rip as he walked into the room where Rip and I had been forced to become situated in. "Oh, forget it. Why am I asking you two?"

"No idea. You walked in talking." I muttered as I tried to get the zipper on my dress up.

"I don't know anything." Rip muttered for the hundredth time. "I don't even know why you're getting us to wear these- these- these- these monkey clothes. And my mouth is so sore."

"Quit whining." Malcolm snapped. "The fact of the matter is, we have something in common, Rip."

"My name is Phil." He muttered shyly.

"It's Rip." I corrected him.

"Whatever." Malcolm rolled his eyes, having lost interest rather quickly. "We are both dealing with unstable individuals. And that is not something I enjoy."

"You know this isn't really a walk in the park for us either, right?" I asked Malcolm honestly, finally getting the zipper up.

"You listen to me." Malcolm took a step closer, expecting me to take one back. I didn't, throwing him off slightly before he continued with the threat I assumed was coming. "Which is why you and your uncle will do exactly as I say. And maybe, just maybe, you two will make it through this alive.

I bit my tongue. "What do you want us to do?"

"Tell me, Miss Hunter, have you and your uncle ever been to Switzerland?"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2022 ⏰

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