The truth comes out...

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"So what's the plan now?" Ray asked cheerfully. He was so cheery it's annoying.

"Well, we," Rip said, pointing to himself, Stein, Jax, Ray, Carter and Kendra, "are going to retrieve Professor Boardman. While the rest of you will be staying on the ship."

"Hey, I thought we were a team." Sara yelled. It was kind of hot.

"Well, this mission does not require your particular skill set." Rip responded calmly.

"Meaning you don't need anyone killed, maimed, or robbed." Snart replied, still sitting in his chair.

"Precisely. And Jessica will be staying behind to keep an eye on all of you. We must hurry. Professor Boardman is supposed to die in 24 hours."

"What's the point of cutting it close?" Ray asked. Man was he clueless.

"Because if he's destined to die, his effect on the timeline will be minimal." I told him. The group made their way out of the door, but Jax stayed behind. Martin noticed and started to ask him,

"You're not coming with us?" he asked.

"They didn't roofie me."

"Fair point."


"Why does this stupid show run nothing but reruns?" Mick asked, frustrated.

"Don't even bother explaining to him." I told Jax who started to explain it to Mick.

"Am I the only one that could use a drink? I say, we go get weird in the '70's." Sara said.

"Great idea."

"I have the perfect outfit."

"You guys go ahead." I told them. I didn't actually think that what happened would happen, so I didn't think anything of it.

"Too bad." she added before her, Snart, and Mick started to walk away with Jax following them from behind. Snart turned around.

"You're not quite ready to run with this crew yet." he told the young mechanic.

"Then what am I supposed to do?"

"Keep her company." Snart said, pointing to me.


Me and Jax had made our way to the kitchen to grab a drink of our own when something rocked the ship.

"Dammit!" I yelled. Although Jax was clueless I knew exactly who this is-Chronos.

"Jes, who the hell is firing on us?"

"It's Chronos. Gideon, get ready to engage code blue-67. Jax, get off the ship. Grab Ray's A.T.O.M. suit. It's in the cargo bay. Tell my uncle that I engaged code blue-67. He'll know what's going on." He nodded and ran out. Once I knew he was off the ship, I engaged code blue-67. It was a lock down code. No one gets on the waverider, no one gets off. Me and Rip both knew that Chronos was able to seize the Waverider. This program allows me to make a time jump 1 hour into the future, so the team will have battled Chronos and he would not have been able to seize the Waverider. I touched the Waverider down and opened the cargo bay. Rip came rushing in holding Aldus Boardman.


"The Waverider is in need of repair, but-" he was cut off by Kendra punching his face. We were currently situated in the temporal zone to try to make repairs on the ship.

"I see why you got the hots for that one." Mick said, chuckling to Carter.

"My son is hurt because of you. Who attacked us?" she asked right after slamming Rip's body against the wall and grabbing his collar.

"Something of a long story."

"Better talk now. Doesn't look like the lady's in a patient mood." Snart added.

"Neither am I." Sara chimed in.

"His name is Chronos." I spoke up. This prompted Snart to put his cold gun at my neck, finger lying on the trigger. "Told you we should have just told them from the start, Rip."

"Tell us what?" Snart added, pressing the cold gun closer to my neck.

"He works for the council of time masters. Our former employers." I continued

"I thought you said you were time masters." Carter said, approaching me.

"As we've expressed, time is not a linear thing. At some point we were time masters." Sara approached me and tried to land a punch, but I ducked, sending her hand flying into the wall. "Seriously, Sara?"

"Start telling the truth." She told me, holding her bruised hand.

"We relinquished our positions as time masters when we commandeered the Waverider. Chronos was sent to bring us in." Rip told them.

"You lied to us." Stein pointed out.

"Of course we did. We needed your help." I said, trying to move away from Snart's cold gun.

"What about the legends part? You lied about that too, didn't you?"

"Me and my niece chose you all because 150 years from now your lives have minimal effects on the timeline. We need your help without disturbing the history of 2166."

"So, we're like the opposite of legends."

"Give me one good reason why we shouldn't kill both of you." Mick said with rage laced in his voice.

"Ditto the arsonist." Stein added.

"Because, Gideon won't listen to your commands and you'll be stuck in the temporal zone for all of history." Snart lowered the gun from my neck and focused his attention on Rip.

"We didn't lie about the mission itself. All the brutality and ruthlessness of Savage. Or our need of your help."

"I don't imagine you're the kind of guy who quits his job and takes on this kind of threat for altruistic reasons, so why don't you tell us what Savage did to you." Ray pointed out.

"The time masters discourage marriage. They urge against procreation even more. A time master should be free of any personal entanglements that might compromise him, but I fell in love and we had a child. A boy. Jonas."

"Savage killed your family."

"Slaughtered." I corrected. "He slaughtered our family just as he did thousands more. Which is why we need to stop this monster."

"Think about it. If you want to leave, we will drop you off back in 2016 and not say a word about this again." Rip said before the non-legends stormed off.


Dun dun dun... you guys know how this turns out, but I had to add it in there. Have a great whatever day of the week it is!

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