Sammy Lance...

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Salvation, 1871

1 week later. That's how long it's been since my breakdown. I finally felt like I was getting myself back. Sara's been there for me the entire time. I wanted to propose. I really did. But my conscience said I couldn't. I couldn't propose until she knew about Laurel. And I didn't know when I could tell her. Plus, we still had to deal with the hunters. That's what the time masters call them. They kill anyone and everyone that gets in the way without any regard for the timeline. So, we were hiding in a fragmentation- a point in time invisible to the time masters.

"Aah!" Rip yelled as the waverider touched down. "It's been quite a while since I've time jumped far enough to experience side effects." He held his shaking hand. "Fond memories."

"I can't feel my face." Jax said loosely.

"Fine feel I." Snart said.

"Linguistic dysplasia. That should pass shortly." I told him as I held my head in hand.

"Better it now."

"Am I the only one who can't feel their face?" Jax slapped his face.

"I can't feel my-" Ray cut himself off and put his hand over his crotch. "I better not say."

"Mr. Rory appears to be unaffected." Stein pointed to a stirring Mick.

"What happened? We time jump?"

"Yeah, we time jumped." Sara said, envious of Mick. "But where to is the better question?" She got out of her seat, rattled.

"The town of Salvation, Dakota Territory, 1871." I told them.

"I can't believe it." Ray said excitedly. "The old west."

"This isn't going to work." Mick told Rip bluntly.

"It'll buy us time. We can hide out here while the hunters search the other fragmentations." Rip told us.

"What if they decide to check this place first?" I asked him.

"You know feel free to loop us in whenever it feels convenient." Kendra told us sarcastically.

"As you've seen, time doesn't operate as it is generally thought. It wants to happen. It takes time to harden. The- the timeline is unclear on occasion, constantly in flux." I explained

"Hence the difficulty of locating Savage throughout history." Stein said.

"Indeed. And one of the other interesting notions of time travel is the existence of fragmentations"

"Temporal blind spots." Mick dumbed it down for everyone. "Specific places and times the time masters can't see."

"The town of Salvation and its surrounding environs are located within one of these fragmentations."

"So, basically we're hiding out in the Old West and hoping your boogeymen don't find us here." Snart clarified.

"The hunters are not boogeymen." Mick told him. "And you'd better hope they don't find us."

"Well, at least not until I get the chance to 'punch a few doggies' or 'bust a bronco' or two." Ray said in a western accent. "Not that I condone animal cruelty." He said in his regular voice after we all gave him weird looks. "I just watched a lot of westerns as a kid."

"Alas, you'll have to enjoy the Old West from here, I'm afraid." Rip told us.

"Oh, come on." Sara complained. "What's the harm in us just taking a look around?"

"With this group?" Stein asked rhetorically. "Clearly, you haven't been paying attention."

"Ugh, if I'm in the Old West and I don't get to look around, I'm gonna kick myself." Ray complained.

"I can help with that." Snart said, resulting in me punching him in the arm.

"I'll keep an eye on them. Don't worry." I reassured Rip. "I'll be a good little girl scout."


Sara and I sat down at the bar in the saloon. I had spent six months of my life here and I loved it. But, there was a part of my past that haunted me.

"You okay? You seem a little on edge." She pointed out.

"Yeah, just hoping I don't run into someone." I downed a shot and looked to the left. As if on queue, she showed up. "Oh crap." I said underneath my breath.

"Jessie?" She walked up to Sara and I. I was so dead.

"Hey Sammy." I greeted her.

"Who's this?" Sara asked. "And why does she look exactly like me?" She whispered in my ear.

I sighed. "Sara, this is Sammy. Sammy Lance." I could practically see Sara's eyes bulge out of their sockets. "Sammy, this is Sara. My girlfriend."

Sammy laughed. "You leave without telling me three years ago and you show up with a new girl attached to your hip." She laughed again. "That is so you Jessie."

I downed another shot. "I didn't want to leave, but you know I had to."

"You could have saved all of them."

"I'm sorry Sammy, but it wasn't my choice." Sammy shook her head and walked away.

"What was that about?" Sara asked me. For a minute, I forgot she was there.

"Calvert." I got up. "I'll be back."


When I got back to the saloon, everyone was gone. Well, they were gone and the saloon was destroyed. I saw the tail end of Sara's coat, so I followed everyone outside. I was completely shocked to see Hex outside.

"Jonah." I made my way down the stairs and into his arms.

"Jessie." He hugged me back.

"You screw him too?" Sara asked me. I ignored her comment and focused on Hex.

"I'm so sorry." I hugged him again.

"It's okay Jessie. You tried to warn me." He rubbed his hand on my back.

"Thank god you're okay."

"Where is he?"

"Where is who?" Stein asked.

"He's looking for Rip. We've been around here before." I explained. "You know Rip's not going to be pleased to see you." I told Jonah.

"I don't give a damn what he's pleased about." He grumbled.


"Sammy made it out too." I said as we walked back to the waverider.

"Yes ma'am. We were the only two. She made it out clean, but I got stuck with this." He tilted his head so I could see the burn. "Who's the other lady with you?" He nodded his head towards Sara.

"Sammy's great-great-great-great-great-great granddaughter. And the love of my life."

"Sammy know?"

"Well, not that they're related. Sara does. And she's pissed. I'm sorry about Turnbull."

"You have nothing to be sorry 'bout little lady. You told me to watch out and I didn't listen."

"I missed you Jonah."


The idea of including Sara's ancestor was @DonnieSipple idea and I will involve her ancestor more in the upcoming chapters so be ready!

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