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Star City, 2016

This was it. And by it, I mean the end of Sara and I. She just didn't know it yet.

"What are we doing back here?" She asked Rip and I. Well, the holograms of Rip and I. We didn't want the legends to force us to come with them, so the real Rip and myself stayed on the ship and acted as the holograms while the actual holograms were outside the ship with the legends.

"Savage has a time ship, courtesy of the time masters." Rip stated. "The timeline is unclear, due to our destruction of the Oculus, meaning Savage is lost to history. Which is why we brought you all home."

"Mission's not over." Jax spoke up.

"Jax is right." Ray agreed. "We lost Savage before. We'll find him again."

"And then what? We have no way of killing Savage, particularly now that Kendra and Carter are in his possession assuming they're still alive, which is highly unlikely."

"So that's it? We're just giving up?" Ray questioned us.

"Jes and I are on our way to the refuge to retrieve your younger selves and return them to the timeline. It will be as if you never left."

"What are we supposed to do? Return to our old lives, and then pretend like none of this ever happened?"

"Mhm, that might be a tad difficult." Rip responded to Sara. "So, we had to bring you back to May 2016, not January 2016."

"Great, so what you're saying is that for the last five months, my mom probably thinks that I'm dead. Thanks a lot, man." Jax said sarcastically.

"Okay, wait, why? Why the change of plans, Jes?" Sara directed her question to me.

I shook my head. "I'm sorry Sara."

"If you two are getting back on that ship, we get back on that ship." Mick tried to poke us, but his finger simply went through the hologram.

"In truth, we never left it." We turned off the holograms and the waverider flew up, leaving them all there. "Are you okay, Jes?" My uncle asked me. "You sure there wasn't anything else you wanted to say to Miss Lance?"

"I think the note I left says it all."



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"Go ahead Jonas. They're listening." Me and Rip had been watching this on a loop for hours on end yet again.

"Hi daddy and Jessie. We miss you." Jonas said.

"And love you." Miranda added in the background.

"And love you." The boy laughed. Oh, how I missed that laugh.

"Captains, I'm sorry to interrupt." I rushed and turned off the message.

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