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"This isn't my element." Snart complained.

Mick groaned as he picked up a hose. "It's mine."

"Just keep an eye open for the pilgrim." I instructed the two.

"Gideon calculates a 97% likelihood that she will attack your younger self in this exact place and time." Rip explained to Mick.

"Roll it." He instructed Rip who grudgingly did so.

"Young Rory's not in there." Sara said as her and Jax rushed out of the burning house.

"But we found his parents. They're dead." Jax added.

"Then where the hell is he?" Sara asked, frustrated.


Ray had been able to find younger Mick just before the Pilgrim got to him and we had all decided to leave him in the cargo bay.

"Mr. Rory. How are you feeling?" Stein asked him. "I mean, your younger self." He corrected himself.

"Jax is watching him." He said bluntly.

"That young man- you- just lost his family. He might need a shoulder to cry on."

"I don't cry, professor." He turned to Ray. "Oh, and Haircut, thanks for saving me."

"You're welcome. You know, what I don't get is why doesn't the Pilgrim just go back a week earlier and kill younger Rory then?" Ray asked us.

"Because the Omega protocol calls for precision. Multiple attempts from the Pilgrim could do irreparable temporal damage." Rip explained.

"Which means she's only got one shot at killing each and every one of us." Mick added.

"And we only have one chance at extracting your younger selves from the timeline before she pulls the trigger." I added to Mick's statement.

"Captains, based on the temporal quake generated by the Pilgrim's timeship, I calculate a 96% likelihood that she is headed to Starling City circa 2007."

"Pilgrim is targeting Miss Lance." Stein concluded.


"I put her in the cargo bay with mini you- told them both to stay put." Sara announced as she walked back into the bridge after rescuing her younger self. "The less they know what's going on the better."

"You sure you want to leave daddy's little girl alone with that punk?" Mick questioned Sara.

"Even before the league of assassins, I knew how to handle guys like you." She assured him.

"Has Gideon figured out the Pilgrim's next target yet?" Jax asked and me and Rip were hunched over the computer, bewildered.

"That's peculiar." Rip said.

"Peculiar or bad?" Kendra questioned.

"Gideon, run another scan from the whereabouts of the Pilgrim." I instructed the AI.

"I'm sorry, Captain. The timeline shows no temporal distortions. I seem to be unable to track the Pilgrim."

"That doesn't sound good." Ray pointed out as I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"No, it's quite the opposite." Rip said, shaken.

"Without a way to track the whereabouts of the Pilgrim, she could target any one of you at any point in time."

"Gideon was tracking the Pilgrim's temporal wake." Stein pointed out. "I didn't think it was possible to conceal one's movements through time."

"Well, it is when you have the time masters on your side." I said frustrated.

"How does this all work?" Ray asked us. "If she can travel to any place and time, she could be killing any of us right now."

"And if we die in the past-" Stein was cut off by Rip.

"We die in the present."

"Wow. So interesting." Ray said, fascinated. "How long does it take for what happened in the past to affect the present? Could I be dead right now and not know it? Maybe I am dead right now. Hello? Can anybody hear me?"

"No." Snart said sarcastically.

"Look, the important thing is not to panic." I told the wretched group.

"Somebody's playing' Russian Roulette with our younger selves, why would we panic?" Jax asked sarcastically.

"Well, there are a few exceptions." Rip told them. "Kendra's ability to reincarnate means that it would do the Pilgrim no good to target her."

"And with me and Rip being former time masters, removing us from the timeline would do more harm than good." I added.

"Well, that's convenient." Snart commented.

"And what's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing. It just occurs to me that you and Rip have never told us about your past."

"Well, I know." Sara raised her hand in my defense.

"I don't trust a man or woman with secrets."

"Look, the less information you have to offer about us, the less valuable you are to our now numerous enemies." Rip defended me.

"Like I said, convenient."

"Are they fighting?" Sara asked, confused.

"This is not a fight, babe, just an exchange of ideas." I told her, not breaking eye contact with Snart.

"No, not you. Them." She pointed at the monitor where mini Sara had just slapped younger Mick, whose older self just laughed.


"She slapped me." Young Mick told us.

"The little weirdo said he liked the way I smelled." Young Sara defended herself.

"I'm usually a lot smoother, but I'm sort of freaking out right now." Sara and I stood in disbelief, noticing how ridiculous this was. As we stood there, I couldn't help but notice how young Sara's eyes lingered on me every now and again.

"You." I pointed to Sara's younger self. "Hands to yourself."

"The next time, hit with a flat palm. And you." Sara said to Mick's younger self. "You're not her type." I felt Sara's hand slither around my waist. Younger Sara just nodded at me.

"Now do we need to separate you two?"

"No." Young Mick said hesitantly.

"Hey, when do I get to go home?" Sara's younger self followed after us.

"I'll leave you two to discuss." I left Sara with a pleading look which I ignored. That being extremely hard because she gave me puppy dog eyes.


"Okay, little you was totally into me." I told Sara.

"At least I still had good taste." She commented.

"Mhm, you always have good taste." I kissed her neck and walked off.


Sara's POV

Rip, who was being a major pain in my ass, wanted me to get Jes for something. I walked to our room where the door was open, and what I saw stopped me in my tracks. Jes was sat on our bed, holding a ring in her hand. A ring. My heart skipped a beat and my mind raced. Was she going to propose? Instead of stopping her, I turned around and walked back to the bridge with a goofy smile on my face.

"I thought you were getting Jessica." I was still in my daze when Rip said this and I sat in a chair. "You know." He said in realization.

"Know what?" I pretended to be clueless.

"Just don't say anything. She's waiting for the right time." He told me, not believing me.


When I was originally writing this an hour ago, I was rushing to go do something and I totally forgot an authors note. The end idea was completely @SaraLanceislife idea and I didn't want to take credit that isn't mine, so, here it is.

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