Screw you Rip!

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"What the hell was that?" Sara asked, storming into the library.

"It's my uncle being an insufferable asshole."

"What are you talking about? You guys were fine when we left. What's your problem?"

I slammed my hands against the table, Sara not being phased this time. "My problem is that my uncle believes that I'm only here for you. Not for my family. And that hurts. A lot."

"Well, you know it's for you. So, what does it matter if he doesn't?"

"Because I still love you. And he knows that, but he tells me I'm just trying to 'get back in your pants.'"

"You wouldn't have to try very hard." She chuckled.

"And if it were up to me, I already would have, but I wanted to save my family. I still want to and he just can't see that." I told her before storming off.

Sara's POV

I walked into the parlour, filled with rage. Rip was alone. When he saw me, he looked at me confused before I clocked him in the face. He groaned before gaining his composure.

"I assumed you talked to my niece."

"You are an asshole. I am trying so hard to win her back, but she wants to save her family. Your family. And you think that she wants me back? I love her. I told her that I love her and she said she needed to save your wife and son. Your wife and son. So next time you decide to be a self conceited idiot, think about what you're going to say and how much it can hurt the people around you." I spat at him before I walked away.

Jessica's POV

I was still in the library, coming back in after I stormed out. I was looking at a file. My file. When Sara walked in. I swiped the file off the screen and looked at her.

"We're going to see Stein's younger self. Rip wanted us to take you so we don't 'mess it up.'"

"I'm on my way. Let me just go to the fabrication room." I told her with a straight face, which made her smile fade a little.


Ivy Town 1975

Me, Sara, Stein, and Jax were all walking towards Stein's old college in our 70's outfit.

"People actually wore this crap?" Jax asked.

"People smoked a lot of weed in the '70's. Probably had some effect on the outfit choices of the era." I explained.

"Let's just hurry up and get this particle tracker so I can get the hell out of these gogo boots." Sara added.

"Nah, you look good." I smirked at her.

"Remember, when we meet my former self, it is imperative that we don't let on that we're from the future, so let's just be cool."

"No shit Sherlock. You're speaking to a former time master." We all stopped when Stein did, eyeing a young man.

"Oh my god. Look. I'd forgotten how handsome I was. My hair is so thick. So silky." Stein's staring had earned his younger self's attention, as he started walking over to us.

"Do I know you?" He asked his older self.

"No. No. I'm Professor Musk. Elon Musk. And these are my three lab assistants." Me, Jax, and Sara smiled at him.

"Hi, I'm Marty." He returned the smile, eyeing at me and Sara. "Are you sure we haven't met before?" He asked Stein.

"Uh, that's a very interesting question. Um, suffice it to say, I am familiar with your work."

"That's actually why we're here." Jax added. "To see you. You're a leading expert in alpha particles?"

"No, I'm the leading expert." He chuckled.

"Well we were hoping to pick your brain about your area of expertise." Sara said seductively. It was the same voice she used with me all those years ago.

"Physics? Which are you interested in? Applied or theoretical?"

"That's just the thing." I said seductively, following Sara's plan. "We can't decide. We love them both."

"Cool." Young Stein said while old Stein looked at us with disgust. "Well let's go spark a doobie and rap about physics." He eyed me and Sara again.

"Lead the way Marty." I said while Sara and I followed behind Marty. We looked back at the boys, one of which looked proud, the other looked like he was going to be sick. I'll let you guess which was which.


Someone asked this on one of my other stories, so I'm just putting this information out on all of them. I have 7 stories going. One for everyday of the week. Each story has a designated day in which I upload parts for that story. I try to upload 3 parts a day, but that is sometimes impossible. If I do not update 3 parts, I try to do it the next day, along with the other story. I f I can't do it then, I just leave it alone until the next week. It is still early, so I will most likely be able to update two more parts of this story and make up for the Nate Heywood story I only wrote two parts of yesterday.

The Flame-Sara LanceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora