Chapter 18

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"So, how will we get there fast?" Chan asked as they woke up from their not so deep slumber.

Jimin smirked, staring at his wand and flicking it. Magic starts to fill the ground as the other boys back away. Jimin grins as he starts waving his wand in the air.

Second by second, everyone's jaw started to drop when they realized.....

Jimin had summoned a dragon. A purple smooth-scaled dragon.

"I knew she was still there" Jimin smiled in satisfaction.

"You know her?" Hansol asked.

"Mhm. She's ARMY, my imaginary pet. I once had her when I was 5. Guess it also came back with my lost memories. And thanks to my magic, I finally made her come true"

He smiled as the dragon's head lowered down, giving Jimin the height to reach her.

"Hey girl, let's save the kingdom a'ight?"

ARMY made a low yet sweet growl as she lowered her left wing to let the boys climb to her back.


"Why do I feel like ARMY is a familiar name?" Seungkwan whispered to Seungcheol.

"Probably a famous name in some alternate universe where we're all idols"

"What's an idol?" Seungkwan asked.

"Uhhhhh, nothing, it's nothing" Seungcheol grinned, shaking his head.


"Retreat! I REPEAT, RETREAT!!" Shouted one of the guards as they ran inside the palace.

The 4 spirits suddenly appeared.

"Yah, what do you mean retreat? What is going on?" Hoseok demanded.

"Sire, there's a dragon destroying the castle walls, it's trying to destroy the whole palace"

"What? Dragon?" Jungkook asked in disbelief. "How did this happen??"

"We don't know Sire, but there are people on it"

Taehyung snarled. "It's that Park Jimin"

"What?!" Smoke surrounded the 4 whilst the guard ran inside.

"My Lord, a dragon is trying to destroy the castle" Yoongi reported when he saw Hanjung, with Jin and Namjoon behind him.

"Dragon? That's impossible! Dark Mist is the only dragon left!"

"That's the thing My Lord. It's Park Jimin, son of Park Sejoon" Hoseok said.

"Sejoon? His son is still alive?"

"Indeed My Lord. They've been hiding in the modern world this past years" Jin exposed.

"Get TXT, Blackpink, Shine and the hybrids. Tell them to kill them no matter what it takes"

"Yes Our Lord"

As they all left, Hanjung smirked.

No one knew this was all planned.


"HYUNG! WE'LL TAKE IT FROM HERE!!" Soonyoung shouted.

Jimin nodded before he and Heeseung jumped down from ARMY.

"Heeseung! Now!"

Heeseung used his magic and summoned a trampoline as they landed onto it.

Watching it stretch as they were about to be lift off again, Jimin held out his wand.

"Aquatre!" He chanted as they flew off to the sky once more.

They landed on the rooftop of the castle safely thanks to the water Jimin summoned.

"Yah! Hanjung! Show up wherever you are! Don't be a weakling!" Jimin challenged.

Soon after, 6 hybrids appeared in front of them.

Heeseung was holding his fist ready to fight, but suddenly soften. "Guys?"

His 6 best friends. Messy hair? Sharp fangs? This is totally not them.

"I'm sorry" Heeseung whispered as he kicked Jay in the stomach as the hybrid was approaching him.

Jake tackled Heeseung to the ground as Jungwon and Sunoo pounced onto Jimin, trying to get his wand.

Heeseung held both of Jake's arms, preventing from hurting Heesung.

"I'm sorry Jake" He apologized as he kicked him in the balls.

Jake winces in pain as Heeseung used this an opportunity to escape.

Jimin winced when Jungwon pulled his ear. He pushed off Jungwon as he tried to pry off Sunoo who was preventing his legs to move as he was hugging him rather harshly.

Apologizing after he kicked Sunoo by the shoulder, Jimin jumped over Sunghoon and tackled Niki away who was attacking Heesung.

"Go find Hanjung, hyung" Heeseung said before swinging a punch at Sunghoon. Muttering a sorry after.

Jimin nodded as he ran across the high bridge that was connecting the two castle towers.

Glancing up, he saw SEVENTEEN with ARMY still within his sight.

"Chan! I need 3 back ups!!" Jimin shouted seeing Chan swinging by ARMY's foot.

Chan nodded, signaling 3 of his hyungs to help Jimin.

Soon Minghao, Seungcheol and Joshua went down.

"Hi~ya!" Minghao shouted, knocking over the 3 guards approaching their way with his nunchuks.

Seungcheol lifted off one guard and threw it at another guard, making them both fall off the bridge.

"JIMIN HYUNG WATCH OUT!!" Joshua shouted pointing at the field of arrows coming their way.

"Shielda Mahika!" Jimin chanted as a big magic shield saved them the last minute.

Joshua rolled forward as he fired 4 burning arrows towards the knights using the crossbows.

He smirked when he saw their bodies were literally burning to death.

'That fire can melt any metal, losers'

Jimin chuckled as he jumped on the knights head, breaking his neck in the process. He chanted a spell and his wand blasted a strong ball of magic knocking a row of guards off the bridge.

Twirling the wand in his hand, the 4 arrived at the other side of the bridge.

But as they was about to enter the door a strong gust of wind made them trip down.

Jimin groaned, as he raised his head to see the sudden wind, only to widen his eyes.


The said angel—well demon I guess— flew down and tried to knock them out of the bridge.

But Jimin was faster.

"I'm sorry" He whispered as he pointed his wand at the flying girl. "Disabilita!" He chanted as he watch Shine fall down. "Aquatra!" He pointed again as Shine safely landed on the water.

"Hurry, the paralyzing spell only lasts for 5 minutes" Jimin said as they all gathered the strength to stand up and enter the castle tower.

Entering the castle floors, they were met with 9 figures. 2 of them very familiar to Jimin.

"Park Jimin"

"Lalisa Manoban. It's been a while"

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