Chapter 6

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/Author's POV/

The sun is about to rise and the group is at the at the gates that leads towards the country road.

The 7 mer-brids was the first to arrived in the gates.

Next who arrived was Namjoon the wizard.

Then the last was Shine and Jimin.

The king arrived lastly to bid goodbye.

"I hope you'll save my son Shine" The king said.

"Don't worry your Majesty" Shine bowed. "We will save him"

"I trust you all. And please, we don't want history to repeat itself"

"We won't let it happen your Majesty" Namjoon reassured.

"We must go now, we have a long journey" Heeseung reminded.

And with that they bid goodbye to the king before leaving off.

Shine, Sunoo and Niki flew off.

Jungwon and Jay sat inside the carriage and fell asleep.

Heeseung, Sunghoon, and Jake rode on the horses.

Namjoon and Jimin was driving the carriage. And by that, I meant Namjoon was the one driving it.

Jimin watched in awe as he saw how Shine could glide smoothly in the air. Her hair was short but Jimin could see from afar how her hair sways along the breeze. 'Her wings are beautiful' He thought.

"She's a natural isn't she?" A voice snapped him out of his thoughts.

He looked at the person and saw it was Namjoon.


"I'm talking about Shine" Namjoon chuckled.

"O-Oh, yeah she is"

"You know, you should practice sorcery along the way" Namjoon reminded.

"I don't think I'm not that good"

"You will be. Don't worry. It's in your family's blood"

"We'll see later what I can do"

"That's the spirit Jimin" Namjoon patted his back and Jimin hid his face in embarrassment.

Namjoon chuckled and focused on the road.

Jimin took a peek inside the carriage and saw Jungwon and Jay sleeping peacefully. Jungwon's head was leaning in Jay's shoulder while Jay's head was leaning in the other's.

"Aren't cats and dogs enemies?" Jimin asked all the sudden.

"Not those boys. They're total softies" Namjoon answered.

Jimin smiled and turned back at the front and saw the sun behind two mountains. He smiled at the view and frowned right after, thinking about the challenges he'll face.

🗡️ Meanwhile 🗡️

"Agh!" Jin shrieked in pain as the magic from the wizard's staff drained his energy.

"So, join me or die?"

"I'd rather die than joining you, old man" Jin snickered.

And another blast hit Jin's now skinny body.


"Choose....Join me.......Or die?"

"I'd rather die than—Ahh!"

He shrieked one last time before fainting, again.

The wizard gave a 'tsk' before leaving the dungeon.


"I'm tired" Sunoo complained as he felt his wings running out of energy to flap.

"Me too" Niki agreed.

"Well, it has been 2 hours now. Let's fly down to take a break"


The trio flew down as they all halted.

"Tired guys?" Namjoon guessed.

They nodded.

"Well, we better get off Jay" Jungwon said hopping out of the carriage.

"We'll take the spare horses" Jay said as the trio nodded.

"Well, luckily I brought the two horses. Because SOMEONE forgot to do so" Sunghoon said glaring playfully at Jake.

"I forgot okay! I got carried away with the packing!" Jake quickly defended himself, making a cute pout at the process.

"Aish, how can I stay mad at you?" He said squishing the other's cheeks.

"Yiee!!! I ship them!" Shine exclaimed as he earned a smack from Namjoon. "OW! What was that for?!"

"Nothing" Namjoon shrugged.

"Aish, c'mon guys, change spots now. We still have a long way" Jimin said ending the argument.

Jay and Jungwon took the vacant horses. Sunoo and Niki rode inside the carriage. While Shine sat on the roof of the carriage.

"You sure you'll be fine up there Shine?" Jimin asked a little bit worried.

"Nah, don't worry Jimin. I'm used to heights" She chuckled.

"Okay, if you say so" He softly said as he made himself comfortable.

The journey continued onto another 4 hours until they came face to face by a small forest.

"It's already afternoon, we still have enough time to get there" Namjoon estimated.

"So where are these spirit guardians??" Jimin asked.

"They live inside the forest. So, don't worry Jimin. One of them will sense that we're here" Shine said as they entered the woods.

"So, he's a boy?" Jimin started interviewing.


"Can you tell me more about them?"

"Well, one is a nature spirit. He protects all the things related to nature. The other one is a air spirit. He's a grumpy man but he has a soft heart if you're close with him. The other two are young ones. Probably younger than you. One of them is a water spirit while the other is land spirit" Shine explained as she reached a branch.

"Oh, so they kinda protect this kingdom?" Jimin asked.


The conversation unexpectedly ended when the birds started tweeting loudly.

"What's going on?!" Jimin suddenly panicked.

"It's the nature spirit. He thinks we're invaders!" Shine said trying to fly up but failed once the wind become too strong for her to handle so she sat back down.

The group hadn't have enough time to speak when suddenly things have gone wrong.

The strong wind suddenly blew out of nowhere and the group (except Jimin) knew this was the air spirit.

The forest became a chaos. Trees where shaking non-stop. The wind blew in a spiral direction. And now, the ground shook causing the horses to panic and accidentally throw the hybrids that was riding them. The said hybrids had hit the trees and fell unconscious. [starting from this chapter the Enhypen boys will stay as hybrids since being mermans would be useless since there's no water forms on their journey]

The horses on the carriage started to panic too and had let loose of the carriage. Causing Namjoon and Jimin to stumbled down onto the ground which the two fell unconscious too. Sunoo and Niki, who was inside the carriage had been threw sideways out of the carriage and had hit of the large rocks with their arms. And Shine who was at the roof of the carriage had tried flying but her left wing had broke and she collapsed on the ground.

The horses had ran out of the forest. Leaving the 10 unconscious boys and girl.

Suddenly everything stopped.

And one voice spoke up.

"Sh*t! It's them!"

✔Quest [BTS FanFiction] जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें