Chapter 8

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"Soobin hyung! We need to tell them! We HAVE to warn them!"

"I know Taehyun, but we can't just leave the palace. That f*cking wizard would find out that we're spies and he'll surely kill us. And not only that, the situation will get worse"

"We can't just sit around hyung. Faking our death has been our most worst lie. Plus, we can't let history repeat itself"

"Don't worry Beomgyu, we'll escape soon. And history showed that we won the war. That sickening bastard would never win. Especially that he has grown old over the years"

"Yeah, plus, we're his trusted soldiers, we know everything he can do"

"Shut up Yeonjun hyung, don't be so proud of it"

Yeonjun shrug. "So, how's it going Hyuka?" He asked the youngest one staring outside with his telescope.

"They're at the enchanted forest hyungs! They're finally coming!" He said excitedly.

Let me introduce these young (and super adorably cute) lads.

Choi Yeonjun. The eldest. A hybrid reindeer with long (not so long) reindeer horns.

Choi Soobin. The second eldest. An elf with a curious and adventurous personality.

Choi Beomgyu. The third oldest. An underground creature who grew stone spikes on his left shoulder. A night creature who loves the night and its darkness.

Kang Taehyun. His left eye is all black with a star as the pupil. He's known for his intelligence and fast thinking.

And lastly, Heuning Kai. An adorable creature with gear-wings. He is an uncertified angel until he proves himself.

(a/n: I got that from their Nap of the star MV😊)

[edit: dude, I wrote here Yeonjun was the elf and Soobin was the reindeer
edit -dec.29,2021, I've mistaken Taehyun and Beomgyu's appearance, *sigh* baby MOA days..]

The 5 are at their room at the top of the tower of the palace.

Among all the soldiers in the wizard's castle, they have the highest rank so they live among the highest rooms at the tower.

They can see the whole land at their window, so it makes it easier for their mission.

How did they end up in the wizard's castle?

Exactly 2 years ago, an unexpected explosion happened. Specifically, the last explosion. The 5 ran away from their troop and ended up at the river that's nearby the castle.

The wizard found them when he got home in defeat. He helped them and asked his maids to aid them.

Little did he know it's part of their plan.

Once they woke up, they pretended to have memory loss. So the wizard brainwashed them. But the thing was, they weren't, they were just going to their plan.

So now here they are, the most trustworthy boys the wizard ever had. Or so he thought.

"I hope Shine's okay" HeuningKai said as he rested his chin against his palm while staring off at afar.

"Tsk" Beomgyu snickered. "And there goes Hyuka and his daydream" He said crossing his arms and shaking his head slightly.

"Hyuka and Shine sitting on a cloud" Taehyun sang. "K-I-S-S-I-N-G"

"Aish, shut up hyung" HeuningKai playfully rolled his eyes.

A loud knock interrupted their talk as a certain someone peeked inside.

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