Chapter 4

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/Namjoon's POV/

"He's the prince"

As soon he said it, Jimin fainted to the ground.

I panicked for a second when Shine grabbed my wrist.

"Don't worry Oppa, he's just a fainter" She whispered as I gave her a nod.

"My, my. He's a fainter isn't he?" The king chuckled.

"Kinda guess it right your highness" Heeseung chuckled.

"Bring him to the infirmary" He ordered as the maids carried the fainted Jimin out of the room. Heeseung following as well.

"I'll approve the quest for you." The king said as he stood up.

"Thank you Your Majesty" Me and Shine bowed as he left the room.

"Oh, by the way" The king stopped his tracks. "Your friends are dying to see you. They come everyday at the palace to check if you have come back. I'm sure they would love to see you again" The king chuckled as he continued his way out of the room.

"Can we go?" Shine asked.

"Mmmmm, maybe later Shine. Jimin needs us" I said.


We exited the room and walked through the hallway.

We arrived at the clinic and we saw Jimin siting on the table.

"Good, you're awake" I said.

"I fainted again huh?" He asked.

"Yeah you did" Shine chuckled

"Good thing you woke up though" Heeseung joked.

"Yah! Do you want me to die?!" Jimin scolded.

"Of course not. I was just messing with you"

"So can we see them now Oppa??" Shine asked.

I chuckled. "Okay. The others were dying to meet you two anyways"

We went to the beautiful garden behind the castle.

The place is always as beautiful as ever. Flowers grew on bushes. Some grew in vines. The place seemed magical somehow.

Trees grew beautifully in the corners of the gardens, covering the brick walls.

The lake? The lake's water shimmers underneath the sunlight. The bottom of the lake is crystal clear.

"Wow, the place looks beatiful!!" Jimin beamed.

As we headed for the lake, Shine kept jumping like a child.

As we headed closer we spotted something moving in the water.

It was a merman. A body of a human and a tail of a fish.

"Jungwon!!" Shine called out.

The boy peeked his head out and swam closer to shore.

"Shine! Oh my gosh! You're here?!" He exclaimed.

"Yeah, we just arrived Jungwon" She explained.

"You're a—"

"Merman. And you?" Jungwon cutted Jimin off.

Shine whispered something to him and he mouthed an "Oh"

"Jimin hyung!" Heeseung yelled as he was far behind.

"How dare you leave me back in the castle" Heeseung groaned.


"Heeseung hyung!?" Jungwon called which made the hybrid look up.

"Hey Jungwon......Jungwon?!"

The two embraced each other in the shore. Heeseung's pants was now soaking wet.

"Ahhh, now I'm wet" Heeseung complained.

"Sorry should've turned into a hybrid" Jungwon said.

"Wait, you're a hybrid?" Jimin asked.

"Yeah, we're mer-brids. Half hybrid, half merman" Jungwon explained.

(a/n: I just made it up)


Jungwon sat on the land as his tail turned to legs, and his scaly-part of the skin turning into full-human skin. His cat ears popping out and his white tail.

"So, cool huh?" Jungwon smirked at Jimin.

"Yeah" Jimin playfully rolled his eyes.

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