Chapter 17

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Hanjung was sitting in his throne with Jin by his side, who was literally eye f*cking with Namjoon.

He glanced at the window and saw Shine swooping up to his view and flies either to the side or back down.

The door opened to reveal 6 hybrids in black clothes.


The 6 looked up with green eyes.

"My Lord, a group of workers tried to attack the knights in duty"

Hanjung nodded. "Put the workers in the prison basement. Escort the knights to the medical room, and bring the guardian spirits here"

The 6 nodded before leaving the room again.

"Shall I torture them My Lord?" Jin asked, as Namjoon clings onto his arm.

"No need. That's why I called the guardian spirits"

The door opened once again and the 4 guardian spirits entered with glowing green eyes.

"You called us My Lord?" Yoongi spoke up.

"Yes. Reports from the hybrids, there a bunch of disobedient workers who attacked our knights. I want you four to get this done and torture them to death"

Taehyung tsked. "Such disobedient people needs to be teached to respect Our Lord. Right JK?"

Jungkook nodded. "Indeed Tae hyung"

Hanjung hummed. "You're dismissed"

The 4 bowed before exiting the room.


"I remember now" Jimin whispered in disbelief as the golden magic tornado started to shrink.

Once the last golden magic faded away, he smiled, turning around to the group, about to say that 'Hey guys! I remember everything now!!'

But, his smile dropped once he saw their shock expressions.

"What's wrong?"

Kai, who was literally shaking in shock, pointed at him.

Jimin furrowed his eyebrows. "Me?" He looked down and almost fainted at the sight.

He was wearing a wizard's clothes

"What the—" He glanced at the wand his holding and his eyeballs couldn't been bigger than saucers.

His new wand was craved beautifully. As if there were vines wrapped around the original one.

At the end of the wand was his initial '𝑷. 𝑱𝑴 ' engraved on the wooden stick.

"Hyung....." Heeseung gasped.

"I— how did this happen?" Kai asked, inspecting his clothes.

"I-I don't know. I just suddenly remembered my lost memories and poof, I'm wearing this" Jimin explained.

"It couldn't be..." Seungcheol muttered.

"What?" Jihoon asked.

"Jimin, are you perhaps the son of the wizard Park Sejoon?"

"Yes. I am. You guys have already seen Dad remember?"

Jeonghan gasped, slapping Joshua's shoulder multiple times. "I never knew that was his name!!"

Suddenly Junhui got the meaning, now shaking Minghao like crazy.

"Okay, what is it?" Jimin asked.

"You're the Park!! The most powerful wizard ever!! You have your father's magic!!" Kwon Soonyoung exclaimed.

"Okay I know that 'I'm-the-son-of-the-most-powerful- wizard-ever' part but for the magic part.......really?"


Jimin faced the village once more, the view of the fire reflecting in his eyes.

He smirked. "I'll get you Hanjung, you'll never expect me coming"


It was an evil day in Hanjung's castle, the old wizard (when I meant old, I don't mean like grandpa old, I meant like 36 years old or something like that) was sitting in his throne, watching boringly from the window as the workers he calls 'slaves'.

And as always, deep in a dark spell, Jin and Namjoon was in their own little world.

Little did he know that his so called 'kingdom' built for days will all be crumbling in 5 minutes.

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