Chapter 13

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Soobin was so frustrated right now he could just punch a wall. Which is exactly what he did.

Jennie sighed. Pouring some alcohol on the cotton ball and dabbing it gently on Soobin's wounded fist.

Soobin winced. "It hurts"

"Well, you shouldn't punched the wall" Taehyun deadpanned.

"Yeah, what were you thinking hyung?" Beomgyu asked in irritation.

"Well what do you want me to do when we know the plan failed? Punch Hanjung?" Soobin retorted.

They were waiting for the group last night when they saw Jin walking into the castle with a clingy Namjoon beside him and two unconscious bodies lifted up by black smoke behind them. Also been recognized as Heesung and Shine's unconcious bodies.

Yeonjun hadn't contacted them for a while which made them a bit worried. Yeonjun said he'll call them if anything happens.


The giant iron doors opened to reveal a smirking Jin and Namjoon (who's still under Jin's love spell).

Shine and Heeseung groaned, who was awake.

"Who are you?" Heeseung asked.

Jin tsked. "Memory loss?"

"Yeah, all thanks to you dumbass" Shine spat.

Namjoon glared at her. "That is no way to talk to my boyfriend"

Shine rolled her eyes. "Yeah right"

Namjoon got mad but Jin was quick to calm him down.

"Joonie, leave her be" He pecked a kiss. "Now, go to our room, I'll catch up. You have some fun" He winked as Namjoon nodded and left the basement.

Jin glared at Shine. "You'll regret your words later"

"At this rate, I don't really care anymore"

Jin rose an eyebrow. "Really? You wouldn't mind if I do......." He raises his palm and a black ball made out of dark magic forms and hits Heeseung. "THIS?!"

Shine gasped as she tried to stand up, but she was held back by the chains.

Heeseung's body shook violently before Jin unlocked his chains. Heeseung curled up into a ball as his cat ears became bigger and messier and his tail became more skinnier. He opens his eyes and gave a sharp glare at Shine before standing up on 4's.

Shine was calm though.

Jin smirked. "Heeseung, stand up boy"

Heeseung complied and stood beside him.

While Shine was still strangely calm.

Jin raises an eyebrow in suspicious but shrugs it off. "I'll came back later for you Shine. My Lord always liked the best for last" He laughed evilly before the basement doors closed.

Shine calm expression changed into a smirk as the chains were unlocked, thanks to the bobby pin secretly hidden in her hair.

She stood up and tries to hid her wings. There was little pain since it was still broken after all.

She checked the room for any possible openings and unfortunately, there was none.

Guess she had to use the door.

She can't use her powers either ways, someone nearby could sense her magic and she'll be back to square one.

Using the bobby pin she previously used she managed to unlock the lock.

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