Chapter 3

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/Author's POV/

The trio went to the basement of Jin's house. Jimin had a spare key of his house that Jin gave to him in case of emergencies.

As the stare at the door that opens to the basement, Jimin felt a weird feeling that shivered up his nerves.

Shine had noticed him and tried to calm him.

"Hey, it's okay, don't worry Jimin" Shine reassured.

"I just c-can't believe this is happening for real. I mean—" He was cutted off by Heeseung.

"Meeting a hybrid and an angel? Yeah we totally get it hyung. But if you wanna save Jin hyung, you gotta believe this is all real. And you have many more to meet on the way"

"What do you mean by 'more'?"

"Ummmmm, just wait and see hyung" Heeseung smiled awkwardly.

"So how do we enter in?" Jimin asked.

"Only a person or creature can open the dimension. If a human being from here tries to open, they'll meet the empty and dark basement." Shine explained.

"So if I try, the dimension wouldn't open up?" Jimin asked raising an eyebrow in curiosity.

"Try it to find out" Heeseung joked.

Jimin just rolled his eyes as he touched the doorknob.

As soon as he touched, a warm feeling went to his body.

Once he turned the doorknob and open it a bit wide, sunshine covered his face.

"How did he—" Heeseung said in shock, not even completing his sentence.

"Jimin, how'd you do that?" Shine asked.

"I dunno, I just open it and this what appeared." Jimin said.

"Okay! We better go in!" Heeseung interrupted as he shoved himself into the door.

The two followed and made sure the house was locked before proceeding to unlock the door they went in.

They were greeted by a warm sunshine and birds chirping happily.

"Ahh~ How I missed this place" Heeseung said as he stretched his arms and tail.

Shine just giggled.

"C'mon guys, I bet the king has just arrived" Shine said as she lead the way.

"I bet he's not yet here" Heeseung betted, catching up to her.

"Oh yeah? How much?" She smirked.

"20 dollars" Heeseung betted.


Meanwhile Jimin was behind the two dorks, watching the place.

It seemed so peaceful and clean, unlike his apartment. It felt like a whole other world. This place is like 1974, the old times. That made Jimin frown a bit.

The place seems so familiar, but why?

His parents said he got into a car crash when he was little and lost his memory.

So he clearly doesn't remember anything from his past.

He was snapped out in thoughts when he bumped into someone.

Shine and Heeseung was already a bit ahead from him.

As he tried to look at that someone, he saw the features.

The man was taller than him, his hair combed neatly, his clothes was completely something like in the past.

He wore some dark clothes, compared with pants. A blue cloak was covering most of his body. He had leather boots that weren't that high.

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