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Hoseok was not happy by the news he received from his best friend Jin, who declare he was dating the one and only Yoongi.

Hoseok can finally finished his special lessons and went back to college, he was once happy thinking he'll spend much more time with his lover but the news that welcome him broke his heart into two, his plans were also flopped.

And as always, Hoseok hide his pain from the world and gave his sunshine smile to his lover. The only problem was if Jin find out about his past relationship with Yoongi, he knows for sure, Jin will hate him so it's better to keep quiet.

On the other hand, Jin can finally gave his heart to Yoongi, who always stay by his side and kept accompany him. The latter gave outmost care to Jin like he was a baby. Yoongi's love was like a happy pills for Jin, he pamper Jin like a baby, chat with him like friend and love him as lover.

Yoongi share his love for music only with Jin, he used to produced some songs but hide from the world. He also having a studio by himself and Jin was the only person who was allow to step inside Yoongi's studio. Now the two love birds was listening to the new song that Yoongi had produced.

Jin : Yoongi this is so beautiful, you're an excellent producer.

Yoongi : Thanks, my little prince.

Jin blushed at the nickname given by Yoongi and smile shyly. When Yoongi saw his boyfriend who blush like a cute hamster, he can't help but coo at him. He pull Jin to his lap and kiss him on his forehead lovingly.

Jin: Yoongi why are you taking business class if you are interested in music.

Yoongi: I'm forced baby. I'll need to take over our company sooner or later. My mom will never allow me go into the music world.

Yoongi was hugging Jin on his waist, who was being sitting on his lap and place his head into the latter's chest. Yoongi's hair was  gently stroke by Jin, who keep listening all of his boyfriend's words.

Jin: I don't like your mom, she should understand you. You're a genius in producing music.

Yoongi was laughing when he saw his lover's pout cutely, his lips were so tempting so he start kissing his boyfriend, who was surprised by Yoongi's action but soon kiss him back.

Both of the lovers were share a hot, steamy kiss, their tongue were colliding each other. After a long minutes, they break apart due to lack of oxygen.

Yoongi: My little prince is so cute that I want to hide him inside my pocket forever. Baby, you want know more about me?

Jin noded like an obedient boy, still sitting on his boyfriend's lap.

Yoongi : If my dad was still alive, he'll support me for sure but he's gone when I'm only seven years old and my mom married to Mr. Choi, who now become my stepfather only year later after my dad passed away.
So my mom and I don't have a healthy relationship, I hate her, she hate me too.
My little half brother was born when I was nine, he's my life, I'll risk anything for him. I want to introduced you to him but now he's in state studying. My mom knows that I love my little brother so much and would do anything for him so she threaten me often, I've no choice but to obey her even if it cost to give up my dream.
And you're the best thing that ever been mine, I love you so much.

Jin was sheding tears listening to his lovers but wiped away by Yoongi with so much gentleness. Jin also told the latter how much he love him and they share a passionate kissing.


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