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Jin was furious showing his boyfriend with his ex-friend Jimin. He glared at them and went with red ears.

"What so funny, huh??" Jin said angrily, in which the two of them stop smiling.

"Oh..Baby, you come.. It's nothing"

Yoongi said while pulling his lover by his waist and gave him a kiss on his cheek. Jimin just smirk.

Jin was about to opened his mouth to say something but it was interrupted by a teammate of Yoongi, to informed him that practice will be starting soon.

"Little Prince, I need go... Wait me at the same place." Yoongi said with a demanding tone which makes Jin furious, he didn't even have the time to asked about why he was with Jimin in the first place.



"I need to-"

"Say no more, Jin... Wait me there" Yoongi cut him off, he kissed Jin's forehead and headed to the Court to Practice.

Jin sigh heavily, he's tired of Yoongi commanding tone but he doesn't dare not to obey him. Suddenly someone was touching him inappropriate way and when he looked back, it was Jimin's hand on his ass. Jin slapped away the other's hand this instant and continue to glared at him.

"Jimin, what are you playing? Stay away from me and my boyfriend... Please, just stop bothering me" Jin said with irritated voice, he hate the guts Jimin's have and he too, was little afraid of what Jimin can do.

Jimin smirks and leaned near Jin, he sniff the latter like a pervert for a second and retreat back quickly.

"You smell sweet, Chocolate.. By the way, Tae and I were broke up...We agreed just to be friends,.."

Jin was confused by the nickname 'Chocolate', he raised his eyebrows but choose to be silent..., slowly Jimin came closer, closing the gap between them.. He held on Jin waist tightly and wishper to him before he walked away.

"Hey, Chocolate, don't trust Yoongi wholeheartedly... And keep in mind that, if I can't have you, nobody will"

Jin has no idea about what Jimin said to him and all the nickname he recieved from the latter, he doesn't even care, he angrily walk away, only to wait his boyfriend.

Jin waited Yoongi for three hours straight, it was already dark, his tears are slowly falling from his eyes... After almost four hours of waiting, Yoongi finally came to him.

"Little Prince, I'm so sorry, you wait that long... After the practice, a meeting was held again.. Are you crying my love, don't be a cry baby..come here"

Yoongi hugged his boyfriend, patting Jin's hair softly.

"Yoongi, I w- wait you for so long.. Am I not important than those of your practice or meeting.. W-why do I need to wait you in the dark by myself??" Jin was said with a teary voice, he's not himself anymore.

"Sorry, little Prince, I love you"

Yoongi kissed him eagerly, Jin wanted to push the latter but he did the opposite, he gives in and kiss him back.

As time pass by, they finally  graduating from their College... Jin's parents were too, attend the graduation day with a happy and proud on their face... Jin wanted to introduced his boyfriend to his parents but Yoongi said, it's better to waited Yoongi's mother approval to their relationship.

After the graduation, Jin's family had a nice meals... Due to work, both Jin's parents went back... He Jin, himself was working as part-timer while he was searching for jobs... On the other hand, Yoongi was busy joining their Company. So the love birds were rarely have time together.

Ken, Jin friend,.. Invited Jin to help him as waiter in a big party held by rich people for the night... Jin accepted the offer without thinking much, not knowing that his world will crumble down soon.

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