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Seokjin was blind with anger and revenge that he failed to noticed how many innocent people he hurt by his so-called revenge.

Soobin is a nice man, who love and care for Seokjin deeply but the only thing Jin want to remember is that he's Yoongi's little precious brother, a great and wonderful tool to destroy Yoongi. And Seokjin didn't miss his chance, he act innocently and used the younger boy to collect all the information to destroy the great Min Corporation. When his plaything is no longer needed, Seokjin break the poor guy.

Reality hit him, regret eat him alive seeing how much he broke the poor boy. He's too engrossed in his anger that he failed to noticed he done the same thing to the poor guy, who doesn't deserve to be heart broken, but it's too late for Seokjin to go back, neither he plan to stop until the very end. The only thing he said to the poor boy when he begged him not to break up with him is that to go and asked his big brother and they can never be together. Seeing the pain in the younger eyes, Seokjin feel terrible, a guilt is eating him up, he's nothing near happy but he still intended to carry out his plan.

Min corporation is big, not easy to destroy completely but thanks to the evil deeds by their chair woman Mrs. Min, they will face a big problem, all the evidence and information that Seokjin had been collecting was now send to the prosecutor office. Seokjin doesn't want to touched Soobin's father company but since they are connect to the Min, it can't help but to suffer as well, it wouldn't be extreme though.

Seokjin smiles heartedly when he see furious chairwoman of the Min, he can't wait when the company will fall apart. He still have his precious hidden card that will completely destroyed the company. He smiles and left to see the real enemy.

Seokjin enter the Cafe and see a devastating look on Yoongi, it's already past one hour of the time he tell Yoongi to meet. Seeing Yoongi still there satisfied Seokjin.

"Omo, Yoongi, I'm bit busy today, I'm glad you still wait me." Seokjin exclaimed and take a seat to their table, acting like nothing happen.

"Jin, what are you trying to do. Soobin ask me what I did to you to break up with him, he cried a lot. You doing this to pay me back, isn't?... If you hate me, you can always attack me, I'll accept what ever punishment you willing to give me but why hurt my brother, my company? Why Jin, just why?" Yoongi asked him desperately, his tired eyes and the pain he feel is too much, it's hurt.

"Oh yeah, because you favour your brother, I'm glad to see this hurt you, remember, you did worse to me, I lost my family, Min Yoongi Or should I call you, Suga. Who would believe the great CEO of Min Corp is the same unknown rapper, who goes by the name, Suga, interesting. Suga-sii, media really want to know you. Hahaha...How will it effect the company!! It's already under inspection and now should I reveal their CEO real identity. OMG!! This is so fun" Seokjin laugh so hard, acting like insane.

Yoongi face become pale, he gulp, this is not the Seokjin he know, the one who always think other before himself, the kind man who would tolerate anything to keep his love ones happy, it's hurt to see Seokjin become like this. It's all his fault, he never wish for this.

"You've change, Jin." Yoongi mumble.

"I did, so what?" Seokjin asked, he tried to control his emotions but his anger would not just calm down.

"I'm sorry Jin, it's all my fault. I love you before and I still do. But Jin why do you want to destroy my company so much, I know you hate me. You can hate me all you want, I request you to kindly think about those innocent employees of mine, they done nothing to you, they will become jobless. Especially those elder people, it will hard for them to find new job. Please Jin, I don't care about myself, if you want me to step down from my position I'll do that. I'll give it all to Soobin, can you please stop this, Jin."

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