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Seokjin probably the most happy man alive at the moment, eating the delicious noodle made by Yoongi, who was probably a great chef. The noodle Jin ate was super, his boyfriend was a pro in making a delicious noodle, he had no doubt that Yoongi noodle was better than the sold out.

Yoongi was happy too since his little prince enjoyed the noodle very much, Seokjin was too cute that he wants to hide from the world.

Jin phone suddenly light up and it was none other than Hoseok, Jin pick up only to hear the disappointed from the other voice and there reality hit Jin, his eyes were open wide with a gasp. Yoongi carefully study Jin's expression, who was on the phone without saying anything.

"I'm so sorry Hobi, I totally forgot  our plan, I'm with Yoongi" Jin said to Hobi with guilty, who was on another line. A heavy sigh was left as Jin heard on the line. Then after a few more minutes, they hang up.

"What's the matter, my Little prince?" Yoongi asked with a calm voice to the latter who was pouting cutely.

"I guess I fuck up, Yoongles" Jin said with a low voice. He supposed to hang out with his best friend Hobi but instead of shopping with Hobi, he's here in Yoongi hidden cave, of course which was a studio. Seokjin was too occupied with his boyfriend this day and can't even kept up his promise.

Seokjin wanted to go to Hobi right away, he asked permission from Yoongi too but his boyfriend doesn't allow him to leave, instead Jin was again pull into the lap of his boyfriend. Seokjin was in a heavy heart and really want to go  and talk to his bestie but unfortunately Yoongi seems like he's longing for Jin's presence. His hold were tighter and he doesn't plan to let go Jin soon, just to go to his bestie. Yoongi know something that Jin have no idea about it.

Yoongi slowly start to kiss the later on the lips and soon he got the full respond from Jin, he never once disappointed. Jin know how to used his mouth for sure, he's a good kisser. Then Yoongi grab his boyfriend's ass cheeks slowly, their kiss became slowly needy and passionate. They make out for sometime and stop, not still having sex though because Seokjin was still not ready to have sex and Yoongi respect his decision. Jin used to help the latter to jerk off by only his hand though, but he didn't let himself got a help, too shy to show his private part to his new lover.

Jin know he was a little bit getting better in physical activities with his new lover compared to his past relationship, he didn't regret anything because he trust Yoongi, who respect his decision and never forced him beyond his will and never cross the line.

Jin and Yoongi was dating for almost six months now, they were the hot couple in the campus and no ones dare to talk bad about Jin behind his back, in fear of his new boyfriend, Yoongi.

But after they become couple, some relationship was sailing down slowly like the love Namjoon had for Jin was slowly turn into hatred. And also Jin was a little less responsive to Hobi since Yoongi always wanted to occupied his time.

The one thing that Jin had special was the phone call chatting with Jungkook was also a little abandoned due Jin lack of time, that really gave a hard time to Jungkook, who was stay far away from them, thinking about Jin more than he should, he start to miss the latter when they're not chat for a day. Only the ego he had for himself save Jungkook not to contact Jin everyday, Jungkook doesn't want to sound desperate.

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