"He has been staying at my house for the summer...?" Harry turned towards Draco and watched as he waved.

"Right," Hermione said awkwardly. "Anyway, Harry, you said you wanted to talk to us."

"I did?" A very confused Harry turned back to his mates.

"Yes." Hermione raised a brow as Ron cocked his head to the side in confusion. "You sent Dobby. You asked to meet us here, today, so we could talk. More us three than us five," Hermione gestured between herself, Ron and Harry. "But you did say-"

"That was me, actually." The voice came up behind Harry. He hadn't even heard Draco come up behind him. His face was slightly stern looking (and Harry would have stared at it all day if he could).

"What?" The twins chorused.

"Yeah- I used Dobby to send the letter. I'm the one that needs to talk to you," Draco chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Harry, is this some kind of joke?" Ron turned to Harry, his eyes wide with confusion. "First, you say he's been staying with you. Second, he's inviting us to "talk" with us about something important? What is this about?!"

"I didn't know about any of this. I was just told to go to the grocers for my uncle," Harry cringed at the mention of his family. "So that's where I thought we were going."

"We?" Hermione eyed Harry. "Something isn't right here. You two aren't fighting, and although it is rather nice, it's weird."

Harry and Draco looked at each other, staring for a second too long.

"Harry!" Hermione snapped her fingers in his face, jolting him awake. Harry flinched, and Draco stared at her.

"Listen," Draco said, trying his best not to sound annoyed. "Harry and I made a truce over the summer. If we were staying under the same roof we might as well save our heads and not argue the entire time."

"I see." Hermione looked at Harry, and when he nodded, she looked back at Draco.

"Now, I would like to converse with you. Unfortunately, the presence of the Golden Boy is, and I mean this in no disrespectful way, not needed."

A hint of hurt flashed through Harry's eyes as he nodded and walked away, the twins following after him. Draco watched as they made their way to the merry-go-round and the twins hopped on and spun the three of them around. Draco caught himself smiling before he could stop it.

"Alright, Malfoy," Ron hissed. "Cut the crap. What is going on?"

"Ronald!" Hermione shot him a look. "There are better approaches to this than conflict, you know."

Draco looked towards them, his face stern and ready to get down to business.

"She has a point." Draco shrugged, staring between the two. "But I need you two to be serious for a moment. I need your help."

"What do you mean?"" Hermione looked up at him.

"I need to get Harry out of there."

"Out of where?" Ron scrunched up his face. Hermione sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose.

"The Dursleys," Draco shuddered. "It's not- It isn't everything one would think. I mean, take one look at Harry! You can't tell me he looks normal."

"He looks like Harry," Hermione said quietly. "Extremely thin and... What are you about?! You can't possibly be suggesting that Harry is being-"

"But I am. Look, I understand you might not believe me, but I've seen what they have done to him first hand. I've experienced the control they try to have over you," Dudley flashed in Draco's mind. "It's traumatizing."

"This is ridiculous! Harry would have told us if-"

"No, he wouldn't have. From observations from school, he doesn't seem to like sympathy too much. He doesn't want to worry you."

"Well, we have every right to be worried!" Hermione squeaked, placing a hand on her chest.

"Wait- how would you know he doesn't want to worry us?" Ron looks at her, then at Draco, confused.

"Obviously, Weasley, he told me. I'm not a liar when it comes to things like this. I know what it's like to live in a home where you can't even trust your own guardian. Please, this is all I'm asking. You can hate me as much as you want, but all I ask is for you to help me get him out of there!"

Hermione and Ron stared worriedly at each other for a moment, obviously communicating through worried eyes. Draco turned to look at Harry, his chest feeling suddenly warm as Harry made eye contact with him for a split second as he went around the merry-go-round once more.

"He may be the sweetest person I know. He doesn't deserve to be in there..."

When Draco turned back to the two, Hermione was staring at him knowingly. She smiled softly, Draco returning the smile.

"We'll do it." Hermione smiled. "What's the plan?"

"'Mione, I never-"

"What's the plan?"

Draco chuckled softly. "It's a bit undeveloped, but it's simple enough. We would go incognito." Ron laughed at the word usage.

"At night?" Hermione looked at him oddly.

"We have no other choice. We can't use the floo system. It makes too much noise, is messy, and he lives in a muggle house. We would have to connect his house to the system and that is too much work." Draco turned back to stare at Harry. "We most definitely can't apparate. Again with the noise and we aren't old enough to use magic outside of school. And we most definitely cannot use a flying car."

"You just had to bring that up," Ron groaned, dragging a hand across his face.

Hermione and Draco both laughed. For an hour or so longer, the three discussed plans. Setting dates and finding loopholes. It wasn't until Harry walked over to the three that they had to put a rain check on the situation. Well, they were done, anyway. Although there was a lot of room for errors, it was what they would have to go with for now.

(A/N: I'm so sorry I haven't been updating as frequently! School just started. I would also like to apologize for how boring my chapters have been lately. I swear they will get better!😅)

The Summer That Changed Everything ⤘ DRARRYWhere stories live. Discover now