My daily routine

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I completed my shooting for the day fory present project Romantic King 2. As I was about to leave the set, my friend and the personal manager Uday Mehra gave me my phone.

After looking at  the screen I noticed there are about 6 missed calls  and few chat conversations.

Soon I rushed into the changing room and changed into a pair of causal clothes and rushed out of the set into my  Black Bentley Mulsanne.

* * * * * *

A boy in his mid twenties sat in his red swift dezire which is parked under a flower tree staring out of his car window.  He wore a black cap and a pair of sunglasses and a black mask which covered half of his face.

Though his gaze is normal, on observation one can say that his eyes are transfixed at the near by bus stop.

After a few minutes a  girl in her early twenties got off the bus and walked past the red car and entered an old blue building.  The boy in the car has been doing the same routine of watching that girl get off the bus and enter that building for the last six months.

Sitting in the car and waiting for this girl but he never took intiation to talk to her. Though it's his daily routine he thought that particular day she looked sad, atleast he felt so.

* * * * * *

He looked at the phone and read the messages once again.

Phone Screen


me : gud mrng honey      6:15 am

my love : hiii  4:15 pm

my love : what r u doing roshan ?  4:15 pm

my love : ohh are u  busy???

my love : I am leaving to home early today.

my love : talk to u  at night.

my love : bye.

After reading all these there appeared a wide spread smile on the face of the boy in the car.

Yes, he is the same Abhishek Malhotra who is known as the romantic king of the entire entertainment industry and very successful actor but he is so in love with this girl, he introduced himself as a stranger named Roshan to her on facebook and chatting with her all this time and stalking her every move all by himself, all because of his love for her, love at first sight.

* * * * * *

I am Abhishek Roshan Malhotra. Though I am born in India, I was bought up and studied in America. My parents stay there and I always wanted to become an actor.

So I came to India and started my career as an actor at the age of 17. During my first  shoot, I went to Rajastan and after the completion of  the schedule there, I decided to stay there and enjoy with my friend and co -star.

* * * * * *


Late at night I am eagerly waiting for the msg from my love. I have missed the chance to chat with her because of the shoot. Usually she would definitely message me at 9 every night. She never told me her name, though I already know it.

I always call her sweety or by some other nickname. We never spoke to each other on the phone. We only chat. Even though, I feel blessed because she is my first love and I  have fallen for her at first sight and just a good night message for her is enough for me.

* * * * * *

Shriya's Room : 1 am

Shriya entered her room with her phone in her hand.  As soon as she shut the door behind her, she knelt down on her knees against the wall and started crying her eyes out.

She looked around in her room for a while and started crying out loud again. After a while she got up from the floor, searched every corner of the house and grabbed everything that she wanted and left the room in the middle of the night.

Early in the morning at about 4:30 am she returned home tired and her eyes were red with all the sobbing and soon she fell on the bed and fell asleep without her knowledge because of tiredness.

Abhishek waited for her message the entire night. For some reason he felt something was not right. He then asked his friend Uday who is also well aware this man's love story  to check if something is wrong with her.

Though he curled up in his bed, he couldn't sleep. He has a very important shoot tomorrow morning. He even personally visited her house in the middle of the night and noticed her door to be locked.

He wondered where she must have gone at that time of the night but couldn't think of an answer. He was going crazy thinking 'What if she got into some trouble ?' and searched around her home while Uday searched around her work place.

They couldn't reach her and returned to Uday's home. Uday's wife Manvi  understood the situation and asked them to stay cool. She even said "Maybe Shriya went to visit any of her friend's place." She tried to calm Abhi and advised them to look for Shriya the next day after shoot.

* * * * * *

(Shooting Location in Mumbai    Afternoon 12:30)

The shooting has come to an end. Everyone is packing up. Contrast to his usual energetic face, Abhishek looked a lot tired and out of spirit today.

Just as he was about to enter the changing room Uday rushed to him and handed him his phone. The phone is blinking continuously with the messages. They are all from her, for whom messages he had been waiting all day long.

The messages  read

" Sorry Roshan,  I am going to commit the biggest sin of my life."

   " But I don't have any friends with whom I can share this with."

    Seeing these lines Abhi's heart jumped out of his chest. He couldn't figure out what  she was saying all of a sudden.  Without even bothering to change his clothes, he dragged Uday towards his car and jumped into the driving seat leaving a stunned driver behind.

Seeing this Uday stopped him from making any reckless decisions. He then comforted Abhi and asked one of his friends to check on her. After making sure she is at her home, he asked his friend to guard her for sometime.

My love story : Abhishek MalhotraWhere stories live. Discover now