First Day at College

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Shriya entered the university campus and then she went to the administration office and took her daily schedule and following the guidelines, she went to her classroom.

There were a very few people in the classroom and they were chit chatting among themselves. Most of them appeared  to be from high class families and rich and were very fashionable and exuding that rich aura.

Shri understood what Abhi meant, when he said that she represents him and his status. She has to maintain the minimum standards.

Though she is a girl from country side, but she has to change for him. She also understood that the college is not famous for its standards in education but also the weak cannot survive there.

There were bullies and they always picked on the weaker ones. She cannot afford to stress Abhi over these trivial matters and has to overcome all that by herself.

As it is the first day after reopening of college there weren't many students and not many classes. Shriya choose to sit in the second row and she soon made friends.

She used to be a tough kid in her earlier day of schooling, but the past incident changed her personality completely.

She became more introverted and patient. She understood that she has to bring back her old personality to survive in this environment.

The lecturers seemed good and they are very helpful and most importantly the Head of the department is a little considerate towards her. She made many friends.

But there was a group of  nine girls who are famous as 'nine mirchies'( Mirchi is the word used for chilli🌶) and they are a group of bullies. Unfortunately they are all her classmates.

They were many complaints registered against them to the Principal but no action was taken against them. Because two of them were the toppers in the common entrance test  and scored highest marks in all the tests.

They all are also from high socialite families or daughters of civil servants or government officials. One of them is the daughter of member of local state body.

Though there were many boy gangs, their teasing towards girls is not too far and they are more involved in inter college disputes and fights.

Everyone in her class is known to one another but only Shri is the new among them as she is transfer Student.

* * * * * *

Abhi knows that there were such gangs in that college. But she has to survive in such conditions to become brave and she has to face these problems herself.

But he is so caring, that he met the Head of the Department in private. He  explained her Shriya's shyness and her calm nature.

He also know that she is the head of the disciplinary committee for all the inder graduate students in in thr university. So he requested her to watch her and also asked her to inform him in person if anything happens to Shriya.

After dropping off Shriya at the college, Abhi rushed to the shooting spot and he was getting his make up done, when Kunal entered  the make up room.

He saw the calm expression on Abhi's face. But he could sense  the latter's anxious mood. He pretended not to observe it.

Today's scene is a complicated one with Abhi and Kunal chasing away the thief and they had to run a good distances in the dust and heat. 

* * * * * *

The plot of the story is that Abhi and Kunal being friends and also the under cover cops, disguised themselves as the unemployed youth who always gets into street fights.Thus they manage to get all the information regarding the other gangs in the city.

Now the present scene explains that the person they have been searching was in front of them and they have to catch him without others knowledge.

The latter is a spy and he collected all the information about the security system of a multi national company. They have to retrieve it from him.

Today's anxious mood of Abhi is what he has  to portray in his character. So the shot is so natural and it was a perfect.

His anxiousness is because, he is afraid of Shriya being bullied in the college. He also regretted his decision of making her attend that college all in her own.

Generally he is very good at maintaining his calm expression but today he could not. Anything related to Shriya no matter how small it is,  is his biggest concern.

* * * * * *

Shri went to  the cafeteria that afternoon with her two classmates. One of them is Sony Singh and the other is Brahmini Kumar. One is from North India and the other is from South India respectively. They belong to two corners of the country, and their cultures, languages are very different.

All three of them have the same interest and their frequencies matches perfectly. They had light lunch, a bowl of rice, a curry and curd. They also had a bowl of soup each. The food is delicious and they enjoyed it.

The management announced that they can leave to home an hour early than the usual time. Shri called Abhi to update him of the same and he told her to wait for him, that he will come and pick her up himself.

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