Moving in with Abhi

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After paying the medical fees, Abhi offered Shriya to drop her off at her house. After they reached the premises, she invited him inside, afraid that someone might recognise him.

But as soon as he entered inside the room,  the landlord of that house started banging on the door, continuously. As soon as  Shriya opened the door her landlord started yelling and cursing her for not coming home an entire night and on seeing a man inside the house she imagined her own story and started shouting  and calling names for Shriya.

She said " You little bitch, I  already told you not to go out during nights and you even dared to bring a man into my sacred house.  How long have you  been doing this behind my back. You look innocent but who would have thought you tobe so shameless."

Though Shriya stood silent, Abhi could not take anymore of that nuisance. As Abhi was about to say something to the landlord,  Shriya apologized   " Sorry mam, I  think you misunderstood, it is not as you think it is".

And when she tried to explain what actually happened, but all of a sudden not caring to hear anything that Shriya was trying to say, the landlord raised her hand to slap Shriya.

But Abhi immediately came in between the two women and stopped her, thanks to his quick reflexes, she was saved from that slap.. He wanted to answer back to the landlord and wanted to show her who she is dealing with and what are the consequences of actions but he don't want to scare Shriya.

He then called down a bit and asked Shriya to vacate the room immediately, though he tried hard, it still came out as a  command that the frightened girl couldn't deny.

This sentence not only made landlord shocked but also Shriya. She was in a daze but he pulled her into the room closing the door behind him, against the face of landlord who is still standing there completely shocked.

She thought using this trick she would increase the rent of the house,  but she did not expect this outcome.  Abhi asked Shriya to pack a few very important things and without even asking for her opinion he went to make a call.

* * * * * *

Uday went to  the hospital to take all the details about the little girl's condition and her problem and then he discussed it with some of the doctors.  They advised him to shift the hospitals for better treatment and though it is only a simple surgery there may be a few complications after the surgery if proper measures are not taken. 

He is discussing about it with doctors when he received a call from Abhi. Abhi asked him to deal with the landlord and even insisted on making her pay for all the yelling she had done on Shriya.

Abhi was never a person to hold grudges against women but for the first time in his life he wanted a woman to be ruined.  This must be the consequence for ill- treating his woman.

* * * * * *

Abhi was not a person whom  one can order around recklessly. He is dedicated to his work. He is always strict with the working environment. He know entertainment industry is not an easy one. 

he believes that One has to know how to deal with people around them to maintain their status. A small mistake could bring one's career to an end especially in the glamour world.

* * * * * *

After ending the call,  Abhi turned towards her and saw her still standing there dumbfounded.  He then signaled her to pack her clothes but she hesitated, she didnt know what he was talking about and if she can follow him or is he just joking it is he for real. There are atleast a thousand questions that are running in her brain at a time.

He then said to her in  a calm tone " You promised me yesterday night, that you will let me take care of you, in return to your favour." He reminded her promise. After a minute she gently nodded her head in agreement.  Something in his tone and eyes asked her to believe him.

He then asked her to pack only a few necessary things, other things will be moved afterwards.  She took a deep breath and started packing. After packing a small bag, he took her hand and opened the door to go out.

The landlord is still standing there with an angry face, but Abhi's eyes are even more red with anger. She was afraid at the sight of his eyes but he turned towards Shriya completely ignoring the crazy landlord. His eyes contained affection for Shriya. Holding her hand, he took her to his apartment in Juhu.

Abhi took her bag and put in a bedroom. She stood there watching the house. She was tired with all the emotional stiff and she is not in a position to admire the beauty if the room. He saw her  still standing there not moving an inch from the place.

He came towards her and placed his hand on her shoulder and said " Feel free to stay here, now this house belongs to you . Go and get fresh now. After a while your baggage will be moved here. Then we can go to the hospital together and help the little fella kill some time".

Hearing this Shriya hastily replied thinking all this stuff might disturb his work schedule " No no, I will be ok on my own, You need not delay your work for me, anyway Preeti will go crazy seeing you there."

"So the little princess is called Pretti. What a pretty name," he smiled. He ignored her worry and diverted the topic  from her previous worry.

She blabbered on and on when she remembered her sister " Yeah,  she is  your big fan and she is crazy about you. Though I don't find anything interesting..."  she stopped mid-sentence realising what she was about to say.

Abhi couldn't help but laugh at the embarrassing but cute expression on her face. He smiled and asked with a pout which he tried to pull off on his handsome face " So you don't find me interesting."

He smirked putting his finger on his chin making it look as if he is thinking hard for the reason why she didn't like him and said " Not aleast 10% ?" And looked ag her expectantly and when she stood silent he said with a sad face "too bad."

Seeing his expression she blushed and can say that he is making fun of her and trying to ease up the situation and her mood. She felt relaxed seeing him like that. He then said " I am not coming for you, I want to meet my little angel,  Preeti. so you have no say in this. Go get ready first."

"But there is a chance someone will recognize you and it may lead to a scandal." She expressed her worries. 

"You dont worry about that. I know how to disguise myself. Remember to take all those  things that are needed, go get ready first," just then he heard a  knock on the front door. Abhi opened the door and received two large bags.

He brought them inside without any difficulty and placed them on the sofa. " These are your clothes and others items you might need urgent, other things will be moved by tomorrow, if you need anything more feel free to ask me, now go get ready." He said everything in one go and moved from there.

* * * * * *

Abhi felt extremely happy when Shriya said she is worried about  ruining his schedule and that he might face any problem and any mark on his fame. She definitely cares for him.

The thing that amused him more  is that she has no interest in him as an actor,  Yes he want her to acknowledge him as a friend, true friend on whom she can depend upon, but not as some handsome hunk who entertains people on tv.

My love story : Abhishek MalhotraHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin