Ganesh pooja

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After a full day of shopping, they all felt exhausted.  Shriya understood one thing, that he shouldn't go shopping with Abhi again, he is very particular with his tastes and there's no way he will compromise with his likes. He is also a big shopoholic and if he isn't stopped by others he will buy the entire stores.

Shriya didn't buy much but Abhi picked a few dresses for her, Preeti, Manvi and he himself bought many things. This is new for Shriya. She can't spend so much much for clothes and it's a great luxury for her that she can never afford in het entire life. But she also understood that she has to get used to this as long she stays by Abhi, though she don't know how long it will be.

They reached home in the evening and the next day is the festival. So they even bought a small idol of Ganesh for Puja at home themselves.

They placed it in the Pooja room. After having a light dinner they all went into their respective rooms.

* * * * * *

Aksha Khan and her friends were sitting in a private restaurant. They were all talking among themselves while Aksha was in a daze thinking something.

Her friends asked her what she was thinking , but she didn't reply and brushed them off with her silence.

She thought 'Today the one I saw at the mall is definitely Shriya and the people she was talking to looked a little familiar. I saw them somewhere, but when and where ?' and the other person who was holding all the bags, who is he?. He seems to be her boyfriend but why is he wearing a cap and a mask ?'.

She was in deep thought that she didn't even realize that her friends had finished eating and were about to leave.

When her friends called her name she came back to her senses and stood up to leave and hurried out forgetting the matter she was thinking.

* * * * * *

Abhi sat on his bed and was working on his laptop. He was thinking about the kiss today, it is not his first time, he had done kiss scenes in his movies many times and even before that he kissed his first girlfriend back in US.

But the one with Shriya it felt very different today. Even Shriya seemed to like it which means she is accepting him. She just need time to accept her feelings towards him. He is going to wait for that day.

* * * * * *

Shriya sat in her room and her face is red and the color spread till her ears. She realized she also had feelings for Abhi and she thought that from now on she should tell him about her thoughts, so that he can understand that she trusts him.

* * * * * *
The next day it was time for pooja and everyone gathered in the pooja room. Even Uday and Manvi came to Malhotra Mansion. Shriya wore the saree Abhi has selected and she looked gorgeous with a light make up and the simple necklace around her neck.

Manvi wore a green Kanchipuram Silk saree and she looked traditional in her saree and jewelery. Even Abhi and Uday wore Sherwani and the atmosphere in the room looked traditional and devotional.

The priest has done the pooja and all the members offered their prayers to Lord Ganesh. When the pooja is about to finish, Kunal has come to Abhi's Mansion along with his brother.

He prayed to God and greeted everyone. He wore a cream colored Sherwani when his brother wore a white shirt  with cream coloured trousers. Abhi welcomed them and everyone gave their greetings to each other.

Kunal presented everyone with a silver idol of laughing buddha while he gave a gold one to Shriya. It's the first time Shriya has met Kunal and he treated her with respect.

She felt he looked a little familiar she thought of course he is familiar I have seen him many times on tv.  And when he behaved as if he know from long and he owned her something, though she ignored the latter part and she thought Abhi must have said to his friend about her for the first part.

He said with a  smile "Happy Ganesh Chaturthi and also thank you", his words were sincere when he said the words "Thank you".

Shriya who is a bit surprised stood silent holding the idol in her hands not knowing what to say. Abhi who stood beside her put a hand over her right shoulder and smiled and said "Shri, say something".

Shriya nodded her head and said "Wish you the same and thanks for the gift". She smiled at Kunal and her brother who returned a small smile to her.

Manvi said "Ok, let's go and eat. I am hungry". Shriya nodded her head  gave one last confused look at Kunal and turned around  to get the dishes from kitchen.

After having lunch with Abhi and his  family, Kunal and his brother left  Abhi's Mansion.

They all went back to their daily routine. Abhi is very strict when it comes to his diet and today is the first day he skipped his breakfast, because Shriya insisted that they shouldn't eat anything until the pooja is finished.  Abhi is born to listen to Shriya and he allowed her to take control of him and his house.

The next day Shriya entered her college and was walking towards her block, her driver went to park the car,  when a boy who is in his mid twenties blocked her way by standing in front of her.

He looked like he belonged to a gang wearing a pair of torn jeans and a  black  t - shirt and he has a silver color chain around his neck and so many bands on his hand.

Soon a group of 4 people also came to stand  behind him. It is clear that they blocked her way intentionally, so she asked what he wants from her. She no longer was the same Shriya who is afraid of everything. There is not even a hint of fear in her eyes.

He then said "You have a boy friend and he seems tobe rich. But he wears a mask, is he someone who is famous or is he so ugly that he cannot show his face to everyone.?"

The boy had a devious smile on his face and it is evident that he want to expose her and insult her. She understood one thing that he has seen Abhi with her while they were shopping but he didn't recognise Abhi.

Shriya understood one thing they want to insult her, but she can't wait for Abhi to know about it  and come to help her and she has to act before Abhi can react to it.

She then said with a calm expression "I am sorry I can't entertain you with my personal information and life.  Who my boyfriend is and how he looks has nothing to do with you but I can guarantee that he looks better than you  by thousand times".

She has a smile on her lips the entire time and she looked confident when she said the words. Her words left the person in front of her dumbfounded and he was at a loss of words.

He assumed her to be silent and  will take all the insult he had planned for her but he  never thought she could give a counter to him. Irritated by her words he stretched his hand to slap her but she was fast in her reflexes and caught his hand with her right hand.

Angered by her actions he tried to use his left hand but she slapped him across his face with her left hand.

The boys who are standing behind the boy all came forward and surrounded her, it was then a man who is about six feet tall came and stood in front of her shielding her.

He threw a slap across the face of the person whom Shriya has slapped and kicked him on his right leg and the person fell to the ground holding his right leg with both his hands in looked as if he is in deep pain.

Shriya tried to look at the face of the person who saved her but can only see his back view as he was facing the other side and is runing for the other boy.

My love story : Abhishek MalhotraOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora