My first love

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Mrs.Malhotra's maternal grandparents are from Hyderabad and Mr. Malhotra is from Mumbai. So she is excited when she heard that her son is in her home  city.

She sat infront of the tv though it was in  the  middle of the night. She even asked her husband and Goutami to join her.

But Mr Malhotra is not so interested after all it is just an interview, like any other interview that their son does every other month and Gouthami also said that she would watch it at her home as she have a hectic schedule in hospital.

* * * * * *

Inside the broadcasting room.

Suchitra was in shock and to describe her shock and surprise her hazel not nut eyes that are aboit to pop out of their sockets is the evidence.  "..... you mean u have crush on someone for more than three years. Does she know it and who is she ?"

Suchitra is shocked and couldnot believe her own ears. She was in her own train of thoughts "Did he just say that he has a crush. Who has the power to make him be so consistent on her for years. How beautiful must she be for a man to wait for her whom all the beautiful actresses let alone normal girls want to date and want to be his girlfriend atleast for a day."

Abhi is so cool and calm about it even after seeing her exaggerated expression,as if it's natural and there's nothing wrong in that.

Abhi : " Well she is my first love, and it is love at first sight" he replied causually.

Usually Abhi is an introverted person and never says anything  that is more than required or necessary especially his personal matters, he likes to keep his personal life under wraps. But today he said about his love life making everyone surprised.

Suchitra: "love at first sight, wow have you confessed your feelings for her yet?"

Abhi : "Not yet," he shrugged.

Suchitra : "Why not?" she asked a bit curiously.

Abhi : "I am waiting for the proper time." While talking about this topic, his face is filled with gentleness.

From his face expression it is evident that his love for her is true and pure.

After a  few  more questions on his upcoming projects and opinions on stories, the interview officially finished.  The crew members are happy about the successful completion of the interview.

More over he expressed about his love life for the first time on air,  their viewership is bound to go up atleast by 5 percent.

After the interview he left the tv station in his car and then went straight to the theater in  which Rahul has booked tickets to watch a movie. 

On his way to the theatre he changed his jerkin to a jeans shirt and wore a pair of sunglasses with a cap over his head.

Rahul wanted to book a private theatre all to themselves, but Preeti insisited on going to a normal one because she wanted to enjoy the atmosphere.

So Abhi thought it is ok if they go to a very busy theatre where there is a lot of crowd.

After nearly half and an hour of their arrival the movie has started and after five minutes Abhi entered the theatre and sat in an empty spot between Shriya and Preeti.

They reserved corridor seats  of VIP section and Shriya sat on the end of the row and Rahul next to Preeti. The latter two enjoyed themselves playing, chatting and commenting ignoring the distrabance they are causing to the love birds beside them.

Rahul liked Preeti very much and spent each and every minute with her. It is an animated  children's movie with a young high school girl with superpowers as the lead character.

Shriya  conncentrated and enjoyed the movie to her full extent while Abhi kept his hand on hers and kept stealing glances at her while she is laughing at the funny jokes on the screen. She didnot  feel any unease with his touch and is calm about it.

* * * * * *

Los Angeles

Inside a doctors room  in a hospital.

Gouthami is staring at her phone and is a bit irritated. Rahul has been completely ignoring her calls eversince he went to India.

Once in a  while he would update his facebook status enjoying himself with a little girl playing, dancing and other things. she thought "what is he doing over there and who is that girl with him?" and she is also irritated to hear that Abhi fell for some ordinary girl and even met her and Rahul is actually supporting his brother with his relationship.

She always thought that class and status should be equal for two people tobe together. But why this Rahul never understands or thinks so.

Most of his friends are of low back ground and he treats them for dinners and parties. She rarely met with his friends because she thought that they are low lifes. She felt irritated  and put away her phone and went back on rounds in the VIP ward.

* * * * * *

Mrs Malhotra is so shocked to see that her son is in love with some girl and she has no idea about this. She didnot like the fact that her son choose to say it to the entire world except her.

My love story : Abhishek MalhotraWhere stories live. Discover now