Her past and her phobia.

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As they were having lunch, a group of students gathered at the entrance of the cafeteria. All of them turned their heads to look in that direction.

They knew there is a notice board over there and there must have been an important notice pasted on it for so many students to gather around there.

Manvi wanted to know what it was, when she was about to go see that, Naveen stood up from his chair and said "Madam, I ll go and check what it is, you guys continue".

Shriya nodded her head and Naveen looked at Brahmini, smiled and left to see what it was.

Brahmini stood up, with her plate in her hands came  and sat beside Shriya at the same table and they were talking among themselves.

Naveen returned to their table and said "Mam, It has two important notifications, one regarding the semester examinations and the other regarding the cultural fest of the university for the year."

Shriya nodded her head and Manvi said "I have to go see the complete details about the fest, I will see it after the classes",  excitedly.

Naveen said "I took a picture of those notifications on my phone, would you like to see" saying  these words, he offered them the phone which he has taken out from his pant pockets.

Shriya said "The college admin must have posted it on th website". Manvi took the phone from his hands and Shriya observed that Naveen was still standing there, so she asked him sit down beside Brahmini which he obeyed instantly and sat beside his women.

They went through all the details of the notification but Shriya and Brahmini were  interested only on the examinations.

Manvi and Sony were excited about the fest. Sony laughed excitedly, she said with a mischievous smile "there will be so many handsome men coming to the fest. Ahhhh, it's so exciting, don't you think so," she looked at Brahmini and the latter replied "Yes, I am so excited about it too, it will definitely be a feast for our eyes" they both were so excited that they didnot observe the change in the atmosphere around them turn gloom.

Sensing something is not wrong, Brahmini looked at her friend Shriya who was shaking her head as if she is trying to tell her something and Manvi has a sly smile on her face.

She realised the gaze on her from her right side  and turned to look at Naveen. He had a grave expression on his face and he is staring right into Brahmini's eyes.  A chill ran down Brahmini's spine. She shut her mouth and her expression turned grim.

Not analyzing the situation Sony again chimed in excitedly "It will be great if they invite Male superstars to the fest this year, I dont want this years fest be like the last year's when they invited three scholars and educationists or whatever and a female star. I was bored to death", she continued her blabbering with so much exaggeration.

Seeing no response from others she looked around and at last noticed that something was off there.  She knew she said something which shouldn't have  said. Seeing her confused look, everyone laughed out loud and Sony understood they were playing with her.

Shriya reached home late in the evening at 7.  After she came home, living room was empty and the entire house seemed empty. She went into her room, just then Preeti came running towards her sister and said "Rahul didn't come to pick me up from school today and he was not home when I came, I didn't even see Prince Charming at home, they didn't even call me," she said it all in one breath and  with a disappointed look on her face.

Shriya consoled her sister saying that they will be back and asked her go to her room and do her homework.  Preeti nodded her head and went back to her room after her complains.

My love story : Abhishek MalhotraWhere stories live. Discover now