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Abhi left Preeti's room after they finished all her work and Rahul also wished her good night and went to his room.

After a few minutes the maid gave him a glass of milk and went into the other room which is Preeti's. He got a call from his girlfriend Gouthami and took the glass in his  right hand and walked out of his room and he was just walking to and fro in the lounge  while speaking on the phone. 

He saw the maid walk out of Preeti's room.  As usual he went to check on Preeti to see whether she finished her milk or not as it has become his daily routine now.

He was busy on the phone and he noticed the room was empty and just then Preeti enter the room from the bathroom holding her stomach with her bith hands. She has a pained expression on her face and when he saw her face he instantly hung up the phone and asked her if she was feeling pain anywhere.

She already told him when she was returning from school that she has a mild stomach ache but later she felt okay. He just thought that she might be feeling pain because of indigestion or something but when he saw the tiny red marks on her white night dress, he felt dumbfounded.

He then immediately called his girlfriend and asked her in a hurry, soon after she answered her phone.
The first thing he that came out of his mouth is  "Is it possible for a ten year old girl to have  her periods.?"

Gouthami was taken aback by his sudden random words but the doctor in her reacted and replied in an instant  "yes, it is possible, Some children may have them early ", though she was still saying something to him,  he hung up  on her again.

He went to her and helped her to sit on a couch and she had the same pained expression and fear on her face.  He then gave her a glass of water for her to drink and them assured that everything is fine.

He then asked her placing his hand on her head  "What happened ?"
She  innocently replied with a pained expression "I don't know I have a bad stomach ache."
He asked "Why ?".
She yelled  with an angered expression "I don't know" and her eyes became moist. She looked like she was about to cry.

Rahul consoled her with patience, he understood due to her pain she was getting irritated.

He then said "Then why didn't you tell your dhi that you are feeling pain earlier".

She shook her head "Dhi will be tensed if she know, don't worry. It is bearable."
He looked at her surprised. He know her for at least three months now but he didn't see this side of her.

She was actually concerned about her sister getting frightened even though she is in pain.

Rahul shook his head and on seeing the tears roll down from her eyes, he wiped them off from her cheeks and said with a calm expression. He assured her "Don't worry. Let's go to your dhi now, It will be okay, trust me you should tell her."

Hearing Rahul's words of assurance, she thought for a moment and nodded her head. He took her right hand in his left hand and walked towards Shriya's room.

* * * * * *

Mrs Malhotra wanted to ask her husband about her sons.  She was missing them dearly  and wanted to go to India. When she thought about it again, she thought it would be waste of her time as they will be busy and she will be alone there.  So she thought it would be better to send Gouthami to India so that Abhi and Gouthami can spend some quality time together.

She spoke to Gouthami  about it but she didn't accept the offer saying she was busy with her patients at the hospital. But Mrs Malhotra insisted and Gouthami said that she will think of it.

Gouthami also has been missing Rahul very much.  It's  been almost three months that he went to India, but he didn't return.

She missed him so much but she know if she goes to India he will know that she came for him and it will hurt her ego and pride to chase after him.

She thought he was the one who went to India leaving her behind and he should be the one to apolozise first and come to her.

At last seeing his wife's angered face  after constantly brushing off the topic that she wanted to discuss with various silly reasons, Mr Malhotra asked her what she wanted. She was so happy that she rushed to say what she wanted to say.

Mr. Malhotra and his father listened to her idea of sending Gouthami to India. Mr Malhotra was not happy with it because he didn't want to force his sons to do anything.

But Old man accepted it and he looked at his son and said "She is right, we have to know what they are doing there alone.

Abhi should get married soon afterall he is not young anymore. Moreover I want to see my great grandchildren before I die."

Mrs. Malhotra was pleased with her father-in-law's decision but before she could expreess her gratitude he said with a firm voice "but Gouthami should accept to it first, you can't force her to do it" he said to his daughter- in- law.

He then got up from his seat and turned around to go upstairs.  He had a vicious smile on his face and murmured to himself, "I hope my grandsons know what to do. let's see what they will do to escape this.

I can't let anyone mess with them, but it's going to be a drama soon.  I hope that little fella finds a beautiful girl for himself. My last wish is to see to my great grandchildren. I hope they are fast like me. tchhhhhh...." he mumbled  sighing deeply and went upstairs.

Mr Malhotra who was sitting on the sofa saw what has happened In front of him and he praised his father in his mind for this cunningness.

He had a faint smile on his face  and the smile disappeared when he looked at his wife who is fuming with anger.

* * * * * *

Shriya consoled her baby sister, Abhi and Rahul excused themselves from the room and  then Shriya listened to her sister's words and understood everything.

She then held her sister's hand with one hand and she caressed Preeti's cheeks with her thumb  and said " It's okay, It's nothing wrong.  Don't worry. From now on dont feel afraid when this happens to you.

From now on,  it happens once in every month and it means you have become a little young lady. Okay don't worry. Today sleep here in my room okay."  She smiled at her sister reassuringly.

Preeti listened to her sister carefully and tried to process what it meant. She then nodded her head and was about to sleep in the bed when  Shriya stopped her and she went to her wardrobe.

She took a pink coloured pack and returned to her sister and took her to the bathroom.  After a few minutes  both sisters came out and Shriya lead her to the bed and asked her to sleep while she left to get her sister something to eat.

* * * * * *

Abhi and Rahul came out of the room and sat on the sofa in the corridor outside the room. Abhi looked at his brother who is sitting silently  beside him which is very unusual of him. Rahul can feel his brother's gaze and looked back at him, he said "why are you staring at me?"

My love story : Abhishek MalhotraOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz