Confused Preeti, Embarrassed Rahul

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Malhotra Mansion, Los Angels, America.
Evening 6 : 00 clock.

A black Rolls Wraith entered the Mansion gates and the man in his  fifties entered the house. The housekeeper greeted his master and  the man handed his suit coat to the housekeeper which the latter hung on a maple wood hanger. 

He then sat on the rectangular black leather sofa which is situated in the center of the flisol type Indian style living room.

The room has floor length windows which opens into the beautiful lawn outside and they have long white and silver coloured curtains on either side of the windows.

He leaned  back on the sofa and was pressing his temples with his fingers. The maid offered him a glass of water and then came a woman in her early fifties.

She have a pale skin and she looked a  little chubby in her night gown yet beautiful and radiant.

She sat beside the man on the sofa and just then the housekeeper offered them both each a cup of herbal tea.

The man sipped his tea and the women beside him  said with a low voice,  "Honey I need to talk to you about something."

The man asked with an amused smile "Honey,  me" he said pointing his index finger towards himself and asked her with a confused look.

Just then an old in his seventies, entered the living room and sat on the sofa facing the two people and soon the housekeeper poured him a cup of tea and handed it to the old man after taking the coat from his hands.

He  looked at both of them and gave an  understanding smile and  said "Your wife wants something from you my son. Poor son, you don't even understand even these simple things that wives does when they want something".

The man turned towards his father and said "Dad, I know she wants something from me, and it definitely involves her son. You know he doesn't listen to anybody and there is no use in convincing me regarding his issues."

Then the old man said with a sad and angry expression on his face, "I am ashamed of you, you can't even control your wife nor your son. You didn't get any of my genes regarding women. I used to be an expert when dealing with women and still I am at this age, you on the other hand is just dumb," he teased his son.

Mrs Malhotra was angered that nobody was paying attention to her and she knew they were avoiding her intentionally but she was not going to accept her defeat without giving a fair fight. She know how to convince her husband and father-in-law.

* * * * * *

Abhi was still holding Shriya in his arms and she said "Okay my fault. I have something to say, will you listen to it or not ?" with a serious expression.

Abhi nodded his head and said with an cute face " I am born to listen to your words. Go ahead".

She couldnot help but laugh at his words and  said with an irked expression "Chessy." He chuckled at her and she continued "Okay, I have two friends, Brahmini and Sony. We always tag along together in college. So Naveen know them too." She then hesitated before saying "But i have a bunch that something is going on between Naveen and Brahmini.  But today they were acting a little weird, like not their usualself."

She turned back to see his expression and he seems to be listening to her and processing what she was saying, so she continued, "I am not sure about it and i dont want to jump into conclusions, But something was off today and him taking a leave suddenly has something to do with Brahmini. So I am thinking," she then again turned her head and asked with a confused look "Should I ask her about it ?"

As she didn't know what to do she decided to take his advice on this matter. She knew it is a sensitive issue and she shouldn't do anything that causes more problems.

He thought for a while and said "i think you shouldn't ask her about it. If she feels like to share it with  you then she will definitely tell you," he looked at her and stated with a smile, "I guess you didn't tell her about us then how do you expect her to say it you."

Shriya then looked at him with a confused look and asked him a question which is more like she is asking her own self "But we are different, and if I say about us it will be a problem to you,  if news gets out...... " She trailed it off mid sentence.

He looked at her questionlingly "What is different about us. I am your boyfriend  and it's just a normal relationship like any other. Why will it be a problem for me." He didn't answer her question.

He then passed her the glass which she kept on the side table and forgot to drink  and said with a sad expression "You think about everyone except  me." She looked at him confused and asked "What ? "

He then said with a dull expression "I am hungry?"  She looked at him and said in a hurried voice "What do you want to have ? I will prepare it for you. "
Abhi replied with a mischievous smile "you".

Shriya was shocked to hear him say it and she don't know what to say to him. She stood there silent and before she could process her mind, she was pulled  by her hand and made to sit on the bed beside him and she felt his soft lips on her creamy ones and she was shocked and her eyes were  wide open.

She didn't resist him nor she react to him, she sat  there stiff and silent as if she was a rock. Though she liked it she didnot respond to him nor expressed  her feeling.

He then backed away a little and looked at her. He said mischievously " I know you liked it and I hope you give me back my kiss which I lent you just now."
She heard his words and she was even more shocked to hear him ask her a kiss in such a different way.

Her face was red as all the blood rushed to her face and she looked shy and extremely adorable with her blushed cheeks.

When he was about kiss her again they heard the door open and  then entered Rahul and Preeti who is standing next to him. They were taken aback to see Abhi there and in such posture as he is holding Shriya in his arms intimately.

Shriya stood up from the bed while Abhi sat at the same spot but in a comfortable position.

Preeti was about  to run to Abhi but Rahul stopped her by holding her hand by her wrist. He looked at him and he signalled her to stay there.

Rahul was not a serious person and always makes fun and extremely easy going. He said with a vague smile scratching the back of his  ear "I think I came at the wrong time. But believe me this is very important."

He has a confused expression on his face and he looked at Shriya scratching back of his head with his right hand finger nails even more. He was still holding Preeti in his left hand and said " I think Preeti has some problem, I think..." he seemed to be  searching for right words.

Shriya was afraid hearing this and her face became stiff and Abhi asked with a  question, "Is something wrong with her ?" he then glanced at Preeti and said "but she seems fine just now. What happened princess? Are you hurt some where? Do you feel pain?" he asked in a smoothing and calm tone to which the little girl shaked her head 'no'.

Abhi walked towards the girl and gled her other hand and then looked at his brother and said  "what ?".

Rahul said looking down and pressing the space between  his eyebrows "I think she has her first period now".

Abhi was dumbfounded hearing what his brother said and thought, 'Isn't she only 10 years old. Then how is this possible.'

Hearing this Shriya felt relieved and looked at Preeti. She went to her sister who was like a scared kitten not knowing what's happening around her,  Shriya knelt down beside her and asked her " tell me what happened? "

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