Chapter 58

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An hour later Seokjin  and Hoseok had reached the hospital.Yoongi and Jimin were yet to arrive because their son was being his father's son.They all wanted to support Taekook on such a day in their lives.

Two more hours later Taehyung hadn't moved but he had gotten the flowers like Namjoon had instructed.

Taehyung was sitting in the hallway alone.The others had left because visiting hour over.A nurse then walked over to him with a smile.

"Mr Kim is awake and wants to see you"

"Really?"Taehyung asked in surprise.He was overjoyed."Thanks for letting me know.

Taehyung immediately rushed to Jungkook's room.

"Tae..."Jungkook croaked from the bed as soon as his husband walked into the room.

"Baby"Taehyung studied the omega from a distance.He didn't have any wires or tubes connected to him anymore"You are awake"

Jungkook nodded"I told you I didn't want to leave you with my children"

Namjoon had just finished dressing Jungkook's wound.He then left the couple to chat.

"How do you feel now.?"

"I'm sore but I think the painkillers hyung gave me will work.And also I feel a lot lighter now that your babies aren't inside of me"Jungkook grinned.

"That's good.Im proud of you.I knew you would pull through for me.For us"

"I wasn't expecting this to happen now.I don't know what went wrong.I thought I was being careful Taehyung.I did every single thing that was expected of me"Jungkook spoke lowly with tears threatening to fall any second now.

"Jungkook you are fine and so are the babies.Thats all that matters right now.I don't want you to get worked up.Your blood pressure might shoot up again"

"Im  glad they ok but tell me something won't you hug me ?"

"I don't want to hurt you"

Jungkook shook his head"Come on Taehyung.You don't want me angry do you"

"Let me see how you will get angry now that you aren't pregnant anymore"the alpha wiggled his brows.

"Right.I don't have the source of anger anymore"

Taehyung smiled, took Jungkook's hand and kissed his knuckles"I love you"

"I love you too"

"Do you need anything?"

"I want to go to the washroom badly.I didn't know how to tell Namjoon hyung about it"

"I will take you there"

"I just want you to help me.Doctor said I will heal faster if I walk around , eat.If I lay around and do nothing it would be troublesome for me later"

"Fine my love.I will help you walk there"

After finishing his business Jungkook came back to the bed with the help of his husband.

"I didn't have this when I went to the labour room"Jungkook said as he fiddled with the pendant around his neck.

"It's from me.A gift for being the strongest omega I have ever known.And for making me a father'

Instead of being touched Jungkook displayed a frown over his pale features.That didn't go unnoticed by his husband.

"Did I say something wrong?"

"Seriously Taehyung.For goodness is this all I get?"the omega was being dramatic and he knew it.

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