Chapter 41

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Jungkook and Taehyung  were enjoying a warm bubble bath after a rough night.Suprisingly enough it was the alpha who was more exhausted than the omega.They had been at it for three days , taking decent breaks in between.Jungkook's heat had never been this severe.

"Aren't you getting late for work?"the smaller asked

"No"Taehyung answered firmly sitting behind his omega in the tub.

Jungkook sighed and cupped his swollen tummy.Out of the blue Taehyung placed his hands on it.Kneadling it.

The omega moaned"Don't touch it.It really hurts you know"

"You seem full.Why not squeeze it out"

"You mean the juice you dumped inside me?"Jungkook teased

"What else?"Taehyung rolled his eyes.He really wasn't having it this morning.

"You could try to be a little romantic after fucking me up all night, you know"Jungkook frowned.

"Let me remind you ,You are the one who demanded to be fucked"Taehyung emphasized each word.

"Fine you got me but that's werewolf natural biology.My body demanded it not me"

"Are you still going to continue arguing or you have something better  to say"

"I can't find my gucci underwear"the omega pouted

"So what does that have to do with me?"

"You are the one who removed it last night"Jungkook said playfully

"Then I guess it must be somewhere under the bed.How am I supposed to remember such a small detail.Nowadays you always find the smallest thing to pick up a fight with me"

"It's okay.I will look for it once again"

"I have to go to work.I can't spend the whole day in the tub with you"Taehyung said

"I will catch up after I squeeze your jeez out of me"

"I really can't with you "

Taehyung got out of the tub and dried himself up.He then wrapped a towel around his waist

"Are you really leaving without giving me a kiss , daddy?"the omega blinked rapidly

"No, you don't deserve it"


"Because I don't enjoy how blunt and shameless you are being today.This isn't like you.What has gotten over you lately?"

Jungkook shrugged and sang"I woke up like this"

"Yeah right"

Taehyung left Jungkook to enjoy his much needed bath.His whole body was bundled up into knots after last night activities.All he wished now was to get pregnant as soon as possible so he won't have heats for a while.They were hell for him.

While Taehyung was changing , Jungkook's phone rang and he picked it up.Trust me Jungkook had no problem with that.There weren't any protocols when it comes to both their cell phones . Truly they had nothing to hide from each other.

When Taehyung answered the call no one spoke up from other sided.He got annoyed and hung up because he didn't have time to waste.

At the same time Jungkook limped from the bathroom with his hand behind his back"I'm really dying , Taehyung"

"So what.Are you going to kill me for it?"

Jungkook pouted and eased himself on the bed"I was just saying.I never said it was your fault"

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