Chapter 5

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Jungkook cried for what seemed to be  hours or even years rather.Reason being he felt bad and him being an overly sensitive person didn't help.Guilty was an understatement.He just couldn't describe how shitty and horrible he felt.Only if he could turn back time and unask  that one question.He had unintentionally opened up old wounds.Some things are better left in the past.

He had never thought that the seemily perfect almighty Kim Taehyung was hurting deep down inside.His life wasn't perfect at all rather it seems Jungkook's was way better than his because he never had parents in the first place.He never got to know what rejection felt like.The omega felt sorry for Taehyung and it made his resolve to stay with him stronger.He wasn't going to desert him after he had bore his skin for him and showed him his biggest weakness.He was responsible for provoking him so he was going to take responsibility for his actions. Jungkook was to to stick with Kim Taehyung for however long it lasted whether he wanted it or not.

So what if he couldn't live up to his dream of getting married to someone who adored him.Living your life to care for someone who saved your life wasn't a bad thing to him.

After pulling himself together and washing his face he went downstairs for the first time since his arrival.From what he could see , the house would be a nightmare to clean.

Somehow he found himself in the kitchen and surprisingly someone was still awake.

"Crying so much isn't good for you.What kind of mother do you want to be in the future.Will you be able to stand labour pain"

"I'm not crying"he said as he looked away from the middle aged woman.

"But you were"

"I couldn't help it"he sobbed"I didn't mean to do that to him"

"Has crying ever solved any of your problems  before"the woman asked him.

Jungkook sighed and shook his head.

"Why are you awake?"

"My concencess couldn't let me sleep"Jungkook said looking at the floor.

"Did you do something wrong?"

"I said things I should have never said"

"Have some tea.It will warm you up"

"Thanks"Jungkook accepted the cup with a smile

"Why are you still awake?"it was Jungkook's turn to ask.

"I'm   waiting for Taehyung"

Jungkook's face paled"He isn't home"

"He hadn't been home in hours"

Oh no .He prayed this the alpha's disappearance didn't have anything to do with him.He swallowed at the thought .Have you tried to contact him?"

"He left his phone in his study"

"Taehyung wouldn't do anything stupid right.He is all grown up right"Jungkook's tone was panicky

"I'm sure he will return home.Dont you worry yourself'"

"How can I not be worried after what happened.I pushed his limits"Jungkook chewed on his lip.

"Do you know that you are the only person Taehyung has shown that side of him willingly"

"I didn't know"

"Do you know why?It's because he trusts you so please don't let that trust break"

"You seem to know a lot about him"

"I know everything about him.I raised him into the man that he is  today.He also shares everything with me"

"I'm sorry we haven't been introduced yet"

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