Chapter 14

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Taehyung couldn't have regretted his choice of restaurant until this happened.

When he and Jungkook arrived at the restaurant ,they bumped into five of Taehyung's closest friends.The thing is that they plan to hang out during lunch at least once per week and this was their restaurant.It just so happened that it was Taehyung's turn to treat them.

Right now the seven of them were sitting on one table waiting for their orders.Everyone who wasn't Taehyung was starring at Jungkook like he was some aliene.Taehyung could give anything to make him stop.

They had already been introduced but his friends were making the entire situation awkward.

"He is just too beautiful.Just like a proclaine doll"the oldest Seokjin remarked.He was envious of the omega's fresh look.

"Yeah way pretty than you"the doctor and Seokjin's husband ,Kim Namjoon teased his mate.

As soon as he said that he got a snack on the chest from his angry omega"You could have at least said that when I'm not here.You really don't have any respect for me don't you?I gave you a daughter still you don't respect me...

"Hyung... please don't start.We know the story of your life but I'm not sure Jungkook wants to hear it.He would think marriage is a bad idea all together"the shortest of the seven said and his name was Jimin as Jungkook remembers it

"Yeah  Jimin-ah is right,you wouldn't want to scare him off on the first meeting.Taehyung would never forgive you for that.Right Taehyungie?"the alpha with the gummy smile Yoongie teased.

Taehyung decided to ignore that and gave his attention to Jungkook who was busy admiring the short couple who were holding hands.They looked so in love and they weren't shy to display their love for the world to see.

"Jungkook , only Taehyung knows how much I had been dying to meet you"Hoseok said

"Is that so?"

"Yes, I was the one who helped him rescue you .Has he ever talked to you about me.?"

"I'm sorry but he hasn't mentioned anything to me about you"Jungkook said

"Well what was I expecting.The little shit has got a huge ego...'

Hoseok couldn't finish his sentence as Taehyung had served him to his infamous  bone chilling glare.

The police caption cleared his throat and said."Anyways he was pretty devestated when he realized that you had gone missing"

Jungkook turned to Taehyung with a not so innocent smile"It warms my heart to know that someone actually cared for me"

"It wasn't like that.He is exgarating"the alpha dismissed and their food arrived right away.

Jungkook was used to eating in silence but these guys didn't know what that was.They ate as they talked and laughed.All but  Taehyung who wished all this could be all over.

"Jungkook,I would like to have your number so we can catch up"Hoseok asked

"I don't know it by head right now"

"Don't you worry.I will get it from Taehyung.Isnt that so Tae?"Hoseok winked in a not so subtle manner.

"Yeah whatever."

"I will definitely call you once I get your number"the sunshine of the group said

"Sure hyung.I will wait for your call"the youngest smiled

Taehyung got up and grabbed Jungkook's hand"Let's go"

"Leaving so soon?"Jimin asked.

"You have eaten and I have paid.Do you need anything else.I have important things to do"Taehyung said

Engraved in my soul (Taekook Omegaverse)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum