Chapter 13

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Taehyung finished his shower and changed into his pjs in time have the tea Jungkook had made for him.

They both sat in the living area of their room on the same couch.Jungkook's body was inclined towards the alpha's.

"Thanks "Taehyung said and it kinda warmed Jungkook's heart.He couldn't hold back a smile.

"It's bitter"Taehyung frowned after having a single sip .

"Oh it's herbal tea.Did I forget to mention it?"Jungkook asked

"You didn't mention it"the alpha glared.

"Sorry"the omega laughed lightly

"Say it like you mean it"

"You want to get better don't you.Then stop trying to pick a fight with me.I made an effort didn't I?"Jungkook raised his voice

"You are only making my headache worse"the alpha complained with a low steady voice.

"I'm sorry.I didn't mean to yell.In any case just know that I won't be doing this for you everyday.I just returned the favor"

"If you can't soothe your husband's headache after a long day at work then what would you be useful for?"Taehyung asked,a sickening smug plastered on his handsome features.

"Taehyung are you perhaps chauvinistic.Do you believe an omega is only limited to be at home"

Taehyung shrugged and sipped on his tea.He didn't want to get into the details.Not yet.They would get into another fight that would probably last till morning and in his current state he couldn't afford that.

"For the record,we aren't getting married because you need a companion but because you need an heir out of me are we clear"Jungkook spat emphasizing each word.

The sudden violet anger took Taehyung off guard.He didn't know Jungkook was capable of snapping so much

"I'm going to sleep.Good night ,Mr Kim"Jungkook marched to the bed

Taehyung chuckled softly.He was looking forward to see a new Jungkook everyday and the situation was promising to be fun.

Five minutes later Jungkook felt a person behind him and stiffened.The person behind him went on to slip his hands down the omega's waist and bringing him close.

Jungkook wanted to tell the alpha not to touch him but he found himself enjoying it instead.He didn't know what to do with himself.A few moments later he heard soft snores behind him.

"Good night big guy"he smiled before drifting to neverland.

Jungkook woke up stretched and realized that Taehyung wasn't in bed with him.His eyes scanned the room and found the alpha sitting on the couch all dressed up.Their eyes met and the alpha got up and approached the bed

Does this guy ever sleep

"It's good you are awake.Lets have breakfast together"the older said

Jungkook couldn't keep his eyes open and was struggling to keep his fluffy hair off his face"Can't you let me shower first"he pouted.

"I don't have that time"the older said as he consulted his wrist watch

"What time is it anyways"

"Past seven"

"Isn't today a Saturday"

"Yeah ,so?"

"Do you have to go to work?"the omega supported his face with his elbow

"Should I not go and babysit you?"

"I should probably get used to you being mean in the morning shouldn't I?"he smiled sarcastically.

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