Chapter 24

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Jungkook stepped out of the bathroom with a bathrobe on.He was literally fuming like a bull going for a kill.Yes he was going to murder a bitch.Of all people.He didn't expect this from him.He was under the impression that Taehyung respected him just as much as he did.

"Taehyung how could you?"he furiously approached the alpha.

"Jungkook"Taehyung tried to get the omega to calm down.He was also mad at himself for acting so foolishly

"Do you think this is a joke.How could you think of marking without my permission.How dare you.Dont you go on and tell me that you didn't know what you were doing"the omega screamed

"I really wasn't aware of whatever I was doing.My wolf took over and I blacked out"the alpha explained

Jungkook laughed hysterically"Do you  really want me to buy that"

"Well what do you want me to say?That I did it on purpose.Why would I do something like that"

" Well I don't know.Maybe you want to own me.Frankly I don't know why you thought it was a good idea to mark someone who you are going to get rid of once you are satisfied"

"I'm sorry"the alpha whispered

"Taehyung I don't want to be your slave all of my life.This mark is only going to burden me once we separate.Did you even  think about that"Jungkook's features softened and so did his words

"Jungkook listen to me I have no intentions of letting you go.Im willing to take full responsibility of my actions"Taehyung tried his level best to keep the omega calm but nothing was working.

"And I'm supposed to believe that.Should I be flattered"

"Come on you an adult so you can judge for yourself.Whether you believe it or not I'm really sorry for how it happened.It wasn't supposed to happen like it did"

"Is a small apology going to erase the mark you decided to put on my neck on your own accord?"Jungkook asked furiously.He was on roll

"Jungkook for goodness sake it wasn't a decision but a small mishap"Taehyung spoke softly

"Yeah right.Just know this is the one thing I'm not going to forgive you for"

"Do as you wish"

Taehyung could have sworn that he had never seen anyone in such a ghastly rage.It was quite frightening

Jungkook was baffled by the alpha's words"You don't sound sorry at all"

"Just how sorry do I have to be.The more I look at this situation the more I'm convinced that you are putting up this tantrum just to get back at me"

"Oh really.So you are the only person who has the right to be mad"the omega sounded so mad that nothing could get him to calm down at this point.

Taehyung massaged his temples.What could be worse than getting a headache early in the morning."Jungkook I really don't wish to fight with you"

"I don't want that either but I just can't just ignore what you did to me.That was inhumane of you"

"Fine then.What do you want to do about it.Just go ahead and do whatever makes you feel better"Taehyung sighed.He wished he could run away from this.

"I really can't believe you"Jungkook's voice cracked.

Taehyung remained silent.He didn't want to give Jungkook the chance to argue with him any further.He admitted that he had done the omega wrong but that was enough shouting for one day.The pressure was really getting to him

A soft knock on the door got their attention.It was Ms Yeo.

"Breakfast is served"she informed.

"Thanks for letting us know.We will be down soon"Jungkook said.

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