Chapter 8

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Jungkook was woken up by a urgent need to pee but he couldn't move.He flinched when he looked down his waist and saw Taehyung's possessive iron hand.His back was in contact with the alpha's strong chest.Seriously he couldn't recall how they got in that kind of position.Three quarters of the bed remained untouched.

Jungkook's bludder was killing him but no matter how much he tried to peel the older's arm around him ,he just couldn't succeed.Then he stopped trying because this man was about a hundred times stronger than he was.

Just when he thought all hope was lost  the alarm went off waking Taehyung up in an instant.He released Jungkook and climbed off the bed.As he was about to reach for the bathroom door Jungkook beat him to it.

"I really need to use the bathroom.I won't be long"Jungkook said and rushed inside leaving the alpha standing by the door.

A minute later Jungkook came out rubbing his tummy.He went and sat on the bed.Taehyung grew concerned and approached him slowly.

"Are you ok?"

Jungkook was taken aback by Taehyung's morning voice.He knew the alpha originally had a deep soothing voice but it was twice as deep in the morning.

"I'm talking to you Jungkook"

"Oh I'm fine."

"You don't look fine.Why are you rubbing your tummy.Whats wrong?"

"I guess I suppressed my bladder for too long and now it's hurting"he grinned

"Go and have warm water"

"Does it help?"the omega asked hopefully.He couldn't stomach the discomfort he felt . Anything would be fine.

"If it didn't I wouldn't have told you about it would I?"the alpha snarled

"You are already being mean first thing in the morning"Jungkook pouted unintentionally."You could have just said yes"

Taehyung smiled slightly and ruffled the omega's hair"Go on so long"

The giddy feeling came back again.Why? Because Taehyung had smiled and touched his hair.Was it much of a big deal

The alpha went towards the bathroom but Jungkook couldn't stop himself from looking at him with fondness in his eyes.

When he realized what he had been doing Jungkook cupped his face and left the room.

"I'm definitely sick.Thats it"he said to himself as he went down the staircase which led to the first floor.

Everyone was busy doing their own thing but stopped when they saw Jungkook.They both bowed to him.He nervously bowed in response.To be surprised was an understatement.He wasn't used to getting so much respect.He found it overwhelming to some extent.

"You are awake , Master Jungkook"

"You don't have to be so formal with me ,Ms Yeo.Not you of all people"

"So should I be more of your future mother in law instead.Would you like that.After all I'm the one who raised your soon to be husband"

Jungkook felt his ears and cheeks hitting up"What's with everyone today"

"I will take that as a no"

"Ms Yeo , you know I see you more like a mother"

"I'm flattered"

"So please be casual with me.Just like what a mother would to her child"

"Son, what can I do for you this morning"

"Nothing,I will just go and grab myself a cup of warm water"

"You should make that a habit "


"It reduces cramping and it's good for the womb especially for someone who wants to conceive"

"Ok,I will keep that in mind"

Jungkook skipped to the left hall which led to the kitchen which I forget to mention was huge.He saw Yuna , another maid and the chef making breakfast.They bowed to him in respect.

"Do you need anything sir?"a ever so cheerful Yuna asked.

Jungkook only smiled in return and helped himself to a cup of warm water."No don't let me bother you.I got this"

Once he was done he hurried back to the third floor.He didn't know what to do with all the attention he got.Why on earth was everyone so formal.Yes he have always dreamed of having a good life but this was on another level.He wasn't a people person .That was why he had never made that many friends in his life.

Taking a couple of deep breath he opened the door to their room hoping Taehyung would be through with his shower so he could go and have one himself.He had just remembered that Taehyung had said something about them going somewhere the previous night.

"Feeling better yet"a voice said from  the dressing room.

Jungkook's eyes travelled to where the voice had come from only to see Taehyung putting on his shirt"Yeah, I guess it's working.Thanks though"he felt shy and kinda ticklish

"It's good then"Taehyung said as he started buttoning up his shirt.

"I will just go and have a quick shower"Jungkook scurried into the bathroom because he couldn't watch anymore.Why was his heart beating so fast.Probaly he had seen something he shouldn't have.

After ten minutes Jungkook came out of the bathroom with a white bathrobe draping his curvy yet small frame.His hands were busy drying his hair.

Meanwhile Taehyung was already done. He was in the sitting area doing something on his ipad.Now that he had paid attention he could see that the man was a Greek god.He had only ever heard people talking about them but he didn't know that they actually existed.With his hair flipped backwards,tan skin, strong yet sharp jawline , Taehyung looked like someone who owned the world.

"Starring isn't cool Jungkook"he scolded himself before he could get caught.

Putting aside the fact that he couldn't stop starring at the muscline creature in front of him, Jungkook couldn't figure out what to wear.

So he decided to ask"Taehyung"

The alpha hummed without diverting his attention from his I pad.

"Uhm ..I don't have anything to wear"

"You know where the closet is, Jungkook"

"But I don't think there is anything my size there"

"Did you even check?"

"Obviously you are bigger than me so why would we wear the same size"

The alpha placed his iPad on the small glass coffee table and rose from the red velvet couch.Jungkook feared that he had upset the the alpha.

Taehyung strode over to the dressing area and turned to Jungkook who was sitting on the bed.

"Come here"he said softly.

Jungkook obeyed and went over to the alpha"What?"he mouthed.

"There is a pair of black sweats that were too small for  me.Try to look for them"

"Taehyung they are dozens of black sweats in your closets.Where do I even begin.As far as I can see all you ever wear is black"

"You are really quarrelsome, Jungkook "

"I'm not arguing.You are the one who is making me out to be a loud mouth"

"Let's look for them together.It might save us some time"Taehyung said steadily

"That's a good idea"

"Just say you wanted me to look for them"

"No, that wasn't the case.Trust me"Jungkook said

"I will have your stuff brought from your apartment by the end of the day"

"You should have done that sooner.Look where we are now"the omega frowned dispassionately

"You are starting again.Omegas"Taehyung groaned.

"Just saying.I will try to shut up if you stop being  so mean"

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