Chapter 40

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"There you are!"Taehyung exclaimed after finding Jungkook feeding the bunnies in the garden.His instincts had led him to his heart.

"What's wrong Taehyung"

"I was looking for you.Why didn't you tell me you were coming out here.I was really worried"the alpha said

"I didn't want to wake you up"Jungkook said as he rubbed both of his arms.He had worn a thin silk robe

Taehyung pulled Jungkook into a tight hug and inhaled his scent"Don't ever scare me like that ever again"

"What were you thinking, Taehyung.I only came out to get some air"

"You can't ever leave me.Do you know that?"Taehyung asked desperately

"Do I have to put up with everything just because of the contract?"Jungkook cried his sorrows out.

"Because you said you love me.Thats why you have to put up with me.You will bring out the best in me"

"How is that fair.Is loving you a crime"he sobbed

"Sshh.Hush now darling"

Jungkook hit Taehyung's chest with his fist"Do you know that you are supposed to be apologizing right now.Why can't you take me serious for once?"

"I'm sorry"

"Say it like you mean it"the omega half yelled

"Baby why don't we do this some other time.Im getting late for work and you my pretty wifey have to pick up my outfit for the day"

"Enjoy it while it last"Jungkook meant to walk away but Taehyung grasped his wrist.

"What does that mean?"his gaze was uncompromising.

"I'm going to leave you one of these days"the omega said

"Why?Am I so bad?No stratch that.I know I'm evil to the bone but.."

"No , because that's what the contract demands of me"

Taehyung cupped Jungkook's face and looked at him earnestly and desperately"Why are you suddenly bringing up that damn thing?"

"Because it's the reality.I don't want to weave dreams anymore.We don't belong together"

"Jungkook I know I did you wrong last night.I got carried away but it doesn't have to lead to this.What about our love?"

"Taehyung can we not do this right now.You are getting late for work didn't you say?"the omega said as he looked away.

"Fine.We shouldn't be having this conversation.Lets go inside.You are getting cold"Taehyung held both of the omega's hands.

After their conversation Taehyung attempted to sparkle more conversation with the omega who shut him down every time.Taehyung decided .Why not stop humiliating himself.Jungkook was miffed at him that's for sure and he had ought to make peace with that fact.

In the afternoon a custom made outfit was delivered for Jungkook by Taehyung.The omega was thankful because he hadn't planned anything yet as far as the high school reunion is concerned.

Taehyung came back from work and found out that the house was unusually quite.Ms Yeo came to greet him as usual .

"Is Jungkook home?"

"No,he went to his high school reunion"

"Is it today?"


"Did he take the chauffeur with him?"Taehyung asked


"Do you by any chance know the address?"

Engraved in my soul (Taekook Omegaverse)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora