Chapter 48

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Two weeks until the red blood moon and Jungkook was getting anxious by every passing second.

Well other than that he and Taehyung were trying to rekindle their romance.Their one week trip to Fiji had done them a lot of good and decided to start on a fresh page.That was going well until now...

"I really shouldn't be surprised that he stood me up for dinner.That moron..."Jungkook paced up the dinning room.He had put up so much effort in cooking for his husband and even setting up the table.

"Try calling him up again"urged Ms Yeo

"He won't pick up.He is probably being his mean old self.You know how he gets"

"Just try again.You never know"

Jungkook exhaled and dialed up his husband's number once again.Suprisingly the alpha picked up right away"


"Sweetheart... the sugar to my tea"

"Taehyung are you drunk?"

"Just a bit"

"Just where in the world are you.Your secretary told me you left the office two hours ago.You promised me that you won't be late.Taehyung you told me that you would be home by seven and now it's way past nine"

"I'm sorry my love.I totally forgot about dinner but I will make it up to you.I didn't mean to forget.Its just there has been a lot on my mind"

"Where are you big guy?Tell me.You sound sad...May I know why?"

"I'm having drinks with Namjoon hyung.We are talking and I feel better now"

"That's good my love.Please give hyung the phone."

"Jungkook hey.."

"Hyung... how is he?"

"He was hysterical at first but now he is laughing"

"Did he tell you why he was sad?"

"It's about everything that happened from the day of the photographs until the day you went to Jeju without him"

"I understand , hyung.Can you please send him home to me.Its getting late"

"Don't you worry Jungkook.I will send him to you right away"


Jungkook hung up and gazed at Ms Yeo.

"What's wrong?"

"I guess he needed someone to listen to him and drink with him and it couldn't be me because I'm too judgemental.I always assume that he is strong but he is not"

"It's okay"

"You should go to bed.I will wait up for him.Namjoon hyung is bringing him"


Meanwhile Taehyung was stumbling on his feet and Namjoon just watched in amusement.The younger alpha had never had alcohol before and clearly he couldn't handle it.

"I have to go home.My baby is waiting"he uttered

"Yes we should"

An hour later Taehyung still we hadn't arrived home and Jungkook hadn't heard anything from Namjoon.

Just when he thought of calling up  the alpha , Taehyung's phone called him up instead.

"Taehyung where are you.?If you don't want to come home just let me know so I don't have to wait up for you"

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