(Abusive boyfriend)

Start from the beginning

Y/n reached over and across her dresser as she swiped a makeup wipe from the packet. She didn't even know why she bought them-or even had them. They didn't do much makeup wiping, the only thing they were used for was to wipe away the shameful tears from her face each day.

'You're fine' she nodded to herself in the mirror..even if it was a lie, at least someone was reassuring her.
That night, her and Soda lay in bed, facing opposite ways so their backs we're turned to each other. Neither of them we're actually asleep yet. Soda, because he was to busy thinking happily about the day of marrying his girlfriend, Sandy. Y/n, because she was obsessing over how to avoid her significant other; the person she feared instead of dreaming of marrying. The only dreams he gave her were nightmares at this point.

Soda could sense his sister wasn't sleeping either yet, just by the way the air seemed in the tiny room. So he slowly rolled himself over, now facing his sisters back. His hand-not knowingly-clamped around one of the painful bruises on her arm, as he was trying to turn her over some. Y/n just about yelped loud enough for Darry to hear, as she felt pressure around her sore arm, making the already bruised area ache more.

"Shh, Y/n, it's just me" Soda said frantically, putting his hands slightly up, confused on why she had yelped the way she did. He could have almost swore it's like he had stabbed her in the arm; that's how out-of-character Soda thought it was of his sister.

"Oh..I'm sorry, Soda...you just"-Y/n paused, trying to figure up a lie to cover the truth of her bruise-"you scared me" she said, turning on her back as she looked at her brother beside her, who was now leaned up on his side.

"Oh..sorry" Soda apologized, a little uncertain. He's never remembered a time where Y/n was not asleep and he tapped her and that caused her yelped like that. Never. That's when Soda got suspicious of something might being a tad off with her, but basically brushed it off.

"It's okay...what'd you want?" Y/n furrowed her brows at her brother, remembering he must have tapped her for a reason.

"Ah, nothing. Just wanted to see if you were still awake" Soda lied, wanting to let his sister get some rest, He actually had intentions of telling het about marrying Sandy one day, but he figured he could do that any night, and especially when he's sure of it.

"Okay...goodnight" was all Y/n said before turning over, even though the bruises on that side ached, it wasn't as bad as the other side.

Sleep soon took over the poor girl.
Morning soon came around, now awakening the tired teen. Her eyes refused to open and meet the light she knew she was bound to face. She just wanted to stay in her bed forever with her eyes closed; in the dark, nobody around, comfy. It seemed perfect right?

However, her rather hyper 16 year old brother stoped her from doing so. The boy came back into their room after eating some cake for breakfast; him already being up earlier and all. He saw his younger sister still sleeping-or awake with her eyes closed, and almost felt bad for having to wake her up; Darry's orders.

"Y/n"-Soda, as gently as he could, ruffed her hair-"come on, time to get up. You know Darry doesn't like it when ya sleep in this long, past 11" Soda said with a pursuit of his lips. Y/n groaned at the touch, the sound, everything that was awaking her even more.

"Fine" she rolled her eyes mentally-too tired to physically. Her body rolled itself over onto it's back, as her palms rubbed at her eyes, trying to wake herself up.

The Curtis sister imagines & stories pt.2Where stories live. Discover now