Sitting in my room I closed my eyes "Mama, Kari, Jakcob, and Aren the most amazing thing happened last night. Charlotte agreed to be my girlfriend. Today we went on a date and I thought it might be awkward switching from just friends to being together, but everything felt so natural. Holding her hand felt natural, holding her in my arms when the crowds got crazy felt natural, stealing kisses felt natural. I know you probably don't want to know all the dirty details well at least not you two Mama and Kari but I'm just really happy. When we get back I'm going to see if she wants to meet Silas and Edward, yeah I know I should have done it sooner but better late than never. I will come and visit you all when I get back as well. I love you and thank you for always watching over me," I opened my eyes and there was Lottie with tears dripping down her face.

"I'm sorry... I didn't want to interrupt." I held my hand out and she quickly took it and I pulled her to me wrapping my arms around her waist. "I really am sorry."

"Don't be, you probably think I'm weird." I chuckled sadly hiding my face feeling completely embarrassed, I felt her hands in my hair and when she pulled softly I looked up.

"Don't ever feel embarrassed about talking to them. I don't think you are weird, I think you are absolutely sensational Thor, nothing you do will change my mind especially talking to your family." I nodded placing my face on her shirt this time hiding my tears.

"So who is Silas and Edward?" She asked going back to playing with my hair.

"Silas is my mom's best friend from high school and Edward is his husband. They are the ones I lived with."

"So I'm meeting your family. I'm nervous."

"Don't be, they will love you."

***********NOT SAFE FOR WORK/18+ AHEAD***********


"Can I eat your pussy?" Thor asked as if he was ordering food at McDonald's or something.

"EXCUSE ME?!" I squealed falling off his recliner, we had been dating for about a month and it was nothing short of magical, Anderson and I had spent most of our time over the month at the cabin every time I went home for a couple of days I just felt off not being with Thor. We hadn't done anything sexual besides the usual make-out and heavy petting, so him asking me out of the blue damn near gave me a heart attack.

He lifted me off the ground with a smirk "I asked if I could-"

"I HEARD YOU!" I screeched looking away, my body was on fire after heating his request if he said it again I would combust. "Why?"

"Because I want to know how you taste?"

"Holy shit...Jesus take the whole ass car" I whispered fanning myself "Is it hot in here?"

"Sorry, did I make you uncomfortable? If you don't want me to it's fine."

I turned my attention back to him "No I want you to, I mean if you want to. Do you know- actually don't answer that. You know what, I'm going to shut up. If you want to then yes. God, I sound so fucking stupid. I don't know if you can tell but I'm super fucking nervous right now, and I can't shut-" Thor kissed me and I was so thankful because I don't think I would have shut up if he didn't, he lifted me and I squealed, wrapping my legs around his waist.

He pulled away and I whimpered "Stay." he said talking to Anderson but I was so fucking revved up, he could have been talking to me and I wouldn't have known. Once we were in his bedroom he kicked the door closed and sat me on the bed, I bit my lip as he pulled away taking his shirt off. The way he was looking at me was like looking at a man who has been starved of his favorite meal for far too long, I couldn't lie I was nervous.

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