The classes stared at the screen in horror especially class 1-a and more specifically Uraraka, who covered her mouth with tears in her eyes. They couldn't believe the condition Sato was in and with Lucifer having the entire building hostage they couldn't even save him they were stuck watching this horror and it was enhanced by the thought that Lucifer had essentially stuffed a dead civilian's head on Sato's head before ripping it in half.

"Ah, poor Sugarman." grabbing Sato by the chin lucifer shook the hero's head before harshly pushing it away. Looking at the camera Lucifer walked in front of the camera, "Heroes I have but a single question, how are villains made?" Walking behind a robot hostage Lucifers quirk was still going strong except it was in his leg, "Let's see it could be a villainous quirk, rough childhood, abusive parents, bullying, being born quirkless, but my favorite one so far is betrayal."

Unuciating his point Lucifer lifted his leg before stepping on the robot hostage's head crushing it as the voice box let out a loud and hurt-filled scream through the tape. The other hostages seeing this got scared as Lucifer walked over to a student hostage ignoring Sato trying to struggle in his chair. Putting his foot on the student's head Izuku started digging his heel into the poor female's head her whimpering in real pain.

The heroes couldn't take their eyes off the screen as class 1-a was struck right in the heart with his comment of betrayal all of them remembering how they turned their backs on him when he was accused of being a villain, Uraraka, Iida, Todoroki, and Shinso all feeling the worst of it.

"Yes betrayal is my favorite reason, now you may wonder why? It's simple all my life I was betrayed by those I let close to me, over the fact I was quirkless. My childhood friend turned into my worst bully beating me every day for 12 years, my father left me a year after I was labeled quirkless, my mother turned on me becoming an alcoholic drunk abusing me nonstop every day and night." A hint of absolute rage clouded Izuku eyes as he stepped off the girl moving to the next hostage, "After years of this treatment I was at a breaking point but I refused to give up until the last day of middle school, after the usual treatment I was told by my bully to kill myself, he wasn't the first to do it but he was the last and after that school had ended so walking a different route home when I met my idol All Might. Being the hopeful boy I was I asked if I could be a hero while I was quirkless and instead of living up to his words of everyone can be a hero he simply told me no throwing my dreams and hops into the trash as it lit on fire."

Bending down Izuku grabbed the head of the next hostage which happened to be another robot before he using his pure raw strength punched his fist through the chest piece. The pure malice Izuku did in his every movement sent chills down the hero's spines while many became teary-eyed hearing Izuku's backstory while some of the more sensitive sobbed. Bakugou on the other hand was pissed.

'How fucking dare that nerd tell his shitty little sob story, he deserved everything I did I'm glad auntie Inko also thought the same thing.' Smirking Bakugou didn't see the angry eyes Uraraka had sent his way.

'Why is he smirking! Izuku is hurt and we didn't help him! We betrayed him!' turning away she looked back at the screen.

Crushing another robot hostage, Izuku moved over to behind Sato putting his hands on the frightened hero who jumped at his contact, "When I awakened my quirk after All Might told me no I thought everything would be better, I could be a hero so of course, i enrolled into U.A highschool bright-eyed for the first time in a while as I stared at my dream school. I didn't have the experience as the other kids had but I tried my best to get into class 1-a, in fact, Sato here along with all of you heroes were my classmates, I thought I could be friends with you all but once again I was betrayed, so I thank you, heroes, you were the ones to finally open my eyes. Although I hold hate for all of you there is one I can't for the life of me think of negatively." going in front of the camera Izuku held his hand out hiding the disgust in his voice as he said his next line.

'Mei I'm sorry but please believe me when I say I wish I could throw up.' "Uravity you are someone I hold very dear to me and it pains me to be fighting against you, so, please join me together we can reach heights no one else could reach I will give you a day to decide, we can be together so please I'm doing this all for you so I ask you to ignore what I do next" Reaching into his coat pocket Izuku pulled out a small cylinder that had a red button on top, "I thank you all for witnessing what the heroes had created, oh one last thing, Bakugou do me a favor and take a swan dive off a roof." Going back to Sato Izuku pushed the button before pulling out his butterfly knife slashing Sato's neck officially taking him out of the game.

With that Izuku walked off-screen laughing manically as screaming from the hostages and those watching saw Sato sit there as a waterfall of fake blood ran down the hero's neck. The hero team watching was in a state of shock believing that Sato's neck was actually cut open but they were all snapped out of it when Bakugou started yelling.


The rest of the team was also stuck in their thoughts class 1-a thinking about how they betrayed Izuku with Uraraka thinking about the current situation especially with what Izuku had said last, 'Izuku said he was doing this for me but why would he kill those hostages? Does that mean he loves me too Ugh!' Uraraka was conflicted her feelings for Izuku and her duties as a hero were clashing against each other.

Running farther the heroes came to the sight of an absolute inferno of a building that used to be a hospital. Screaming from civilians all around them along with the yelling from the firefighters who tried to put the flame out it all became too much too quickly for the group of heroes as the yelling and screaming didn't stop there as panicked, sorrowful, and hurt screams resonated from the hospital as well.

Following Bakugou's orders, Todoroki was focused on helping extinguish the flames while the rest held back and helped any survivors, despite his yelling Bakugou gave clear orders as he also sent a team to investigate the news station. All the heroes knew at that point that the chaos had only begun and Izuku or Lucifer wasn't someone that they should take lightly.

A/N: sorry I was on vacation for a couple of days so ill be working on my other stories as of right now so please let me know what you thought of this chapter and vote if you enjoyed see ya.

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