ten - fire escape

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word count : 532


you heard the rain stop as you made yourself a sandwich. you looked outside the windows of your apartment and noticed the sky turning brighter and the clouds moving away.

once you made your sandwich, you sat down on the couch in your living room and started watching a new movie. you finished eating your sandwich within a few minutes and decided the change the channel since a commercial started.

then, you heard knocking at your window. you looked and saw ten, a guy who lived a few floors above you and someone you had met in the elevator one day. "it's your favorite person!" he exclaimed, a bit muffled since the window was in between both of you.

"what do you want?" you asked.

"i'm hungry," he answered. you sighed and stood up from the couch. you walked to the window and slid it open. "thanks," he said and climbed through the window.

you closed the window. "don't you have food in your apartment? why do you keep coming here? how did you know i was even home?" you questioned and handed him your plate, "put this in the sink."

"isn't it better eating food with company around?" ten replied while walking into your kitchen.

"you could at least take your shoes off and put slippers on. i just cleaned the floor last night," you huffed out and sat down on the couch.

you heard some noises from the kitchen but just kept flipping through different channels.

some time later, ten walked into the living room with a bowl of noddles in his hands.

you just sighed for the umpth time, "i'm gonna have to start charging you for food," you said to him as he started eating. "i should charge you for rent too," you thought out loud.

"what? i have to pay for my own place, too, ya know," ten said before drinking some of the broth.

"then stop eating my food!" you whined at him. you looked at the time, "i'm going out. get the hell out," you said and stood up. you walked into your room and grabbed your bag from your desk. then, you walked back out and saw ten trying to eat as fast as he could.

you crossed your arms and leaned against the door frame between the living room and your room while watching ten eat. he managed to devour his food and returned the bowl to the kitchen.

"i'm coming with you," he said while approaching you.

"fine, but you're buying some groceries for me later," you said and went to the front door.

"aw, why do i have to?" ten asked while you two exited your apartment.

"are you really asking that? you come down the fire escape all of the time and come to my apartment just to eat," you said while locking the door to your apartment.

"but friends aren't supposed to do that," ten replied.

"how about this: i'll let you eat whatever but you need to stop coming down from the fire escape," you proposed as you and ten started walking to the elevator.

"looks like i'm buying you groceries..."

"what the hell is wrong with you?"

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