Dark!Demigods - Children of the Big Three Edition

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He had a lot of wasted potential in the books. He was literally raised by the wolves when he was two, and babies tend to pick up habits from those around them. If he ever turned dark, I'm pretty sure he'd go all wolf-like. 

He's probably great at tracking someone down, plus he's smart and strategic. If you're not a step ahead of him, well you're dead then, basically.

Also, he can control winds, so he can probably, literally, knock the air out of you. That's honestly so scary because he can choke you without even touching you.

Not to mention that he can either just summon an entire tornado or electrocute you to ashes.


It's almost entirely the same as Jason, except she's (mostly) immortal and freakishly good with a bow and arrows.

Plus, I think her entire appearance and personality itself radiates a "don't mess with me" vibe. So if you piss her off and don't run away scared, are you even real?


This man has so much dark potential, even in the canon books, that I actually don't know where to start.

We obviously know he can control quite a bunch of liquids like poison. He can probably control blood as well (bringing back the Percy the Blood-Bender™ headcanons here).

He can also canonically summon a hurricane, or lift up entire water bodies and crash it on the person. He never actually drowned them, but he could if he wanted to. 

He's also had so much trauma since he was a baby, to the point that if anything happened to someone close to him, like his mom or something that was not something natural and could have easily been either a) stopped by gods, or b) caused by the gods themselves, he would fucking snap and go on a killing spree to murder the living shit out of the gods. He would quite literally break down the doors of Olympus and wage a war on the Olympians. He is literally hanging on by a thin fucking thread at the moment. Walker already mentioned a billion times about how much of a "Poseidon's Fury" Percy has inside him in JUST The Lightning Thief. Imagine what it's like NOW.

And guess what, the other demigods would either stop him (that might not work anyway) or support him, but none of them will side with the gods again. They've all been through so much at such a young age that if the gods even dare to show their stupid faces and try to bat their eyelashes to appear "innocent", these kids would wipe their smirks right off in a matter of seconds. Because in the end, the power lies with them (and us). If they forget about the gods, the gods cease to exist.

(Sorry, I may have diverted a bit there, oops)


Listen, he can and will murder you slowly while smiling if he has to. He will turn you into an insignificant skeleton (and disintegrate that skeleton is needed) and let the ground swallow you till you're six feet under.

He'll drop the temperatures to freezing till you're shivering at his feet and surround you in shadows. You might even be able to see glimpses of his time in Tartarus.

Even Nyx thought he was perfect. How can you even have the audacity to think you can escape him if he goes all dark?

He can also summon spirits of your close ones and guilt-trip you or something (though he might not end up being that cruel, but then again, this is Dark!Nico. Anything is possible.)

He can probably control the bones inside your body if he can control them outside it. He can use you like a fucking puppet and yOU TELL ME YOU'RE NOT AFRAID OF THIS SCRAWNY FIFTEEN-YEAR-OLD CHILD????

Basically, you'll die if he snaps. No further questions asked.


No matter how much you portray her as a "soft, wholesome little baby", she can and will murder the shit out of you.

She can control metals, the Mist and the literal ground (plus the ghosts probably). She is most probably the strongest demigod to exist, along with Nico and Percy (but they're all so in different areas of strength, since strength is a subjective term. Although, in my opinion Hazel might just be the strongest overall).

She can probably control the iron and sodium content in your body for all we know. She can manipulate the Mist, thereby messing with your brain and causing illusions that might scare you or drive you to madness. If you descend into insanity, there's no coming back unless Dionysus or his kids intervene. Therefore, you might just end up, um  you-know-what-ing yourself (not saying it in case it might trigger anyone), and she wouldn't even have to do anything. And like Nico, she can probably make the Earth swallow you whole as well.

She literally sacrificed herself to save the world and right before doing so, caused an eruption to break the cavern walls of the phantom island and destroyed said island by summoning all the riches below her. She delayed the rise of Gaia's son, Gigantes for a long time all by herself. How can you still underestimate her or her powers?

If she has control over most of the land on this planet how do you not fear her.

She literally has the potential to murder you with a kind smile on her face.

You should be scared.

More coming soon!

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