Brooklyn House headcanons

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Did you guys know that Apophis was actually born after Ra? I mean, many sources say that he was born from Ra's umbilical cord. Which is not the only weird thing about this. See, I don't remember Ra having parents (does he have parents?)... so how the heck did Apophis form from his umbilical cord-

Yeah, I'm confused as well.

↬ Now since we're on that topic, Sadie would have one hundred percent called Apophis a "large umbilical cord" or something worse (after she was done gagging, of course). Zia does not find this funny because she was literally swallowed by said "large umbilical cord". 

↬ Shelby is easily one of the most powerful magicians. Magically, since she's she just five hence probably has more undiscovered potential. She's also being trained at such a young age, she would obviously be able to control her powers better than the others by the time she's their age. Lastly, due to her young age, it's pretty much impossible to say no to her. Look that five-year-old ankle-biter in the eyes and tell me you don't like her. Try it. I dare you.

Oh, and she has a sibling now? Will her younger sibling be a magician too? I need to know whether they turn out to be like Carter and Sadie.

↬ [Not a headcanon but I'm making a lot of unnecessary comparisons and found at least two-three lines that both Sadie and Magnus said. A little different, but still pretty similar.

Another thing about how Sadie immediately said "sorry" to the pigeon whom she accidentally turned into a lizard but Percy Jackson couldn't say hello to a pink poodle/ sorry to the squirrel (from the musical) 🙄]

↬ There are ten braincells in the whole of Brooklyn House and 9.5 of them belong to Carter. The rest 0.5 belongs to Cleo.

↬ Movie nights with the Kane siblings, featuring platonic hand holding, five boxes of tissues for both (if it's a sad movie), trying to get to know each other better in the most cringeworthy ways imaginable, exploding popcorn (and occasionally a window or two), braided hair, painted nails, dyed hair and excessive baboon fur.

↬ Carter and Zia go to malls and museums for their dates religiously. It's literally their thing now.

↬ Jaz has monthly blonde healer meets with Magnus and Will. (Yes, I'm making this a thing. Try and stop me.) They exchange stories and healing tips (mostly stories though).

↬ Shelby and her friends have covered the walls with pictures of all sorts of animals. Even penguins. (Yes, she can animate them when the nome is attacked to help defend it. Carter and Sadie are so proud.)

↬ Sadie always dyes her hair rainbow colours during pride month.

↬ The next initiate that joins definitely follows the path of the unnamed cheese god. (I'm honestly surprised that neither of the Kanes tried to find out more about the god, though). It's so funny because they can summon all sorts of cheese and it's very helpful while cooking, or when your enemy needs an urgent bath in rotten cheese.

↬ Khufu tries to teach Carter how to play basketball, but he can only do so much when he's speaking baboon. Eventually, Sadie's the one teaching him, and she doesn't even know how to play.

↬ Sadie drags Carter to see musicals all the time. She remembers every single word of every song and sings along during the scene. Carter recorded her singing alone in her room once for... blackmailing purposes, which almost got him blasted to pieces. It was worth it though.

↬ Amos is somehow really good at cooking. He'd make all sorts of stuff, especially cookies. Sadie thinks they're a billion times better than the burnt ones her Gran makes. Of course, she never said that to Mrs. Faust's face because that would result in... consequences that may end up worse than the "spatula incident", but they were pretty great. She likes to take some back to London for Liz and Emma, who love them as well.

↬ Liz was so proud when she found out how much Sadie stuttered when talking to Jaz. She and Emma could finally get revenge for all those years Sadie laughed at them for being boy-crazy. 

↬ Carter, having travelled around the world for most of his life, knows a lot of languages. He may not be fluent, but he does know the basics of many languages. He even tries to teach Sadie some when they have nothing to do. 

↬ Sadie does not let Carter decide clothes for him during special occasions, knowing how he would probably dress up like a junior professor again. Though he doesn't say it out loud, Carter is pretty thankful. 

↬ Cleo LOVES gardening. She has her own mini, indoor garden inside the library of Brooklyn House. Only Khufu can go anywhere near it. According to Bast, he has named all the plants as well. And guess what, all the names end with an 'o'.

↬ Speaking of Khufu, apart from playing basketball, he's astonishingly good at dancing as well. Don't ask me how, he just is. So is Sadie, much to Carter's surprise. When Carter told Amos about this, he laughed and told them about all the times Sadie danced crazily as a toddler around their old mansion. He also had some videos saved, and Sadie is currently planning to burn them down.

↬ Julian's really good at art. Especially when it comes to sketches. (He also may or may not have helped Shelby draw on the walls of the nome.)

↬ Sean and Alyssa were turned into a herb once after they called Jaz as Jasmine. Everyone fears their life around her, especially since she's the main healer, and could 100% break all the bones in their body while naming them if they pissed her off.

Don't mess with the blonde healers.

That's a life lesson you should remember. 

It will not end well, trust me.

↬ ...and then the world exploded because Felix and Harley met.

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