Random headcanons

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[Some of these may or may not be mine]

↬ Magnus and Annabeth can actually speak Swedish. They may not be fluent, but they really can. They've just collectively decided not to tell anyone.

↬ Otis is probably attracted to Magnus (no, I will not be taking criticism). One of my major proofs for this is probably how he kept repeating "You have beautiful eyes" every time Magnus smashed their foreheads together to get in contact with Thor in HoT.

(Otis also just really needs a hug, and to be honest, I'm ready to give him one.)

↬ Jaz Anderson also glows when she uses too much of her power to heal (It's a blonde healer thing.) before starting to smoke, which causes Sadie to fuss over her health. 

(Confession time: I may or may not be starting to ship them a little. Please don't kill me.)

↬ Blitz and Hearth got married during the early days when they had met Magnus. When Magnus got to know years later, he didn't converse with them for a whole hour. After said hour of being cross with them, he bombarded the two with questions until he had every single detail. 

And then the two announced that they would be adopting Magnus, and since he was dead, they didn't really need adoption papers. It was a very wholesome moment, and Magnus may or may not have cried. (Alex has it all recorded.)

↬ Sometime after Apollo turned into a god again, Lavinia asked him to let her be able to heal instantly every time she touched Poison Oak as a gift. And Apollo granted it, because you can't deny the iconic Jewish tap-dancing lesbian.

↬ Sometimes the Kanes like to call Walt and Zia "weasel" and "zebra" respectively just to annoy them. They almost die in the process, but it's always worth it.

↬ I'm making Carter's birthday the same date as mine (24th) since he was also born in June. (No, you can't stop me.)

↬  Piper and Sadie are the type of people that would go around referencing musicals and expect everyone to get it. (SPOILER ALERT: They're both very wrong.)

↬ Leo, Percy, Sadie and Alex are the type of people who reference a meme or a vine at the wrong time.

↬ Magnus and Alex are the type of people to come up with cheesy or cringeworthy puns, which are, once again, usually used at the wrong time. 

↬ Sadie and Alex are the type of people to teach everyone TikTok dances (which the others end up failing miserably at doing).

↬ Apollo is the type of person who makes memes. Especially the queer ones. (This isn't even a headcanon anymore, it's actually canon. He made the "Honey, he gay" meme, which was actually the first time the word "gay" was mentioned in a Riordanverse book.)

↬ I don't know if it's just my parents or something, but they really like it when either all of us or just my brother and I are wearing the same coloured clothes. Bonus points if they're the exact same. (I'm not kidding, some months ago, my mom bought us the exact same masks).

Now I'm imagining Carter and Sadie going through the same thing as kids.

(Not to mention the whole "Aw, it's such an adorable coincidence that your kids are wearing the same thing!" and Julius and Ruby just glance at each other, sigh deeply, and say that they're married and that Sadie and Carter are full siblings.)

↬ Percy met another person called Carter in one of his schools and had to try not to say their name out loud. He ended up calling them all sorts of variations of the name and later told them that they were just nicknames for them.

[TBM Spoiler] Nico 100% managed to somehow inform Jason that he and Will were dating. He even sent pictures when he could. But Jason never saw them together with his own eyes. 

(I am not crying, it's just something in my eyes.)

↬ The children of Demeter always win at strawberry picking practice (yes, that is actually a thing in the books). Always.

Don't ever challenge them unless you wish death upon yourself. Or perhaps fancy the idea of becoming an insignificant speck of dirt.

↬ Meg is now really good at playing the piano. Lester feels like a proud older brother and supports her whenever he can. Meg likes to brag that she gets piano lessons from the god of music himself when Apollo isn't around. When he is, well, she's usually busy insulting his music taste or the songs he sings.

↬ Kayla managed to reach the Olympics and even though she didn't win, Apollo was equally proud. (He also may or may not have cried with pride, causing the rest of the Apollo cabin to shed some tears as well, which none of them would like to admit. Especially Austin. Kayla was pretty much a tomato by the end of the day.)

↬ If you ask Nico what was the weirdest thing he had witnessed in his life so far, it was when he saw someone pole dancing their way down to the Underworld.

↬ Everyone loved the hugs Frank gave but no one bothered thinking about whether he needed a hug for a change. Until Nico, Hazel and Will did. Whenever they think Frank's feeling low, they would walk over and give him a hug. Even Nico, who isn't much of hugger. 

(Okay, but these four would make such a badass group though-)

↬ Estelle Blofis eventually became the ruler of the world.

*Should I make more Disney AUs like the Magnus Chase one a few chapters ago? If yes, which series and which Disney movie? 

Or should I do more generator stuff like the last chapter?

Or both?*

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