Certain questions I have...

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Is that blood or his melted heart pouring out of Will's fingers in the fanart...?

Because if it's blood... *aggressively looks at the "Will hating on Percy" and "Will being a murderer" Tumblr theories*

↬ Did the Fausts really keep Sadie out of love? It was mentioned in the Red Pyramid that they kept her because she reminded them of Ruby. But was it really out of love for Sadie herself at all? 

Also, they blamed Julius for Ruby's death. Okay, that's... I don't know really. It's not really okay, but considering their age and the fact that they knew about the whole Egyptian gods and magic existing, they just needed someone to blame so they could process their daughter's death. But, the reason they didn't keep Carter, their own grandson, was because he reminded them of his father? Really? Is it just me who finds that to be a REALLY stupid reason to not keep your own grandson? 

(Never mind, I'm re-reading the Red Pyramid and Sadie herself thinks it was a stupid reason)

To be honest (don't kill me, this is MY opinion and I'm sorry if it offends anyone) I'm starting to think they were a little... racist? I don't know. I just think they need to understand that Carter and Julius are two different people. Sure, they're related but so is Sadie? The skin colour doesn't matter?? They are all different people???

Oh and because of this the Kanes were robbed of being siblings for most of their lives?

Do you ever just think about how they did it for their own advantage more than anything?

↬ Everyone talks about the Hacky-Sack scene from TLT and how Percy and Annabeth "proposed to each other" or whatever. But are we really going to ignore that Grover caught the apple too? And ate it? And then proceeded to blush?

↬ How is it that we don't have demigods that grew up with both parents, due to which they refuse to believe they were demigods? Imagine the chaos and the screaming, until one of the parents admit it or realise what happened or something. 

RIP to the satyr who has the job of guiding them to camp.

↬ If the children of Athena are born from Athena's thoughts like she herself was, can we have Athena being with female lovers? 

↬ Kayla has two dads, and unless either of them was genderqueer, does that mean mpreg is canon in the Riordanverse?

↬ Since Annabeth is related on the Norse side as well, does she get a choice between Valhalla and Elysium?

↬ Did anyone else know that Hermes and Anubis had a kid?

Well, technically speaking, they had no role in it's creation but they still had one?

Like, the two were combined to form a god called Hermanubis (Wow, such a creative name.) 

Same with Osiris and Dionysus?

Bye, I'm gonna go back to my grave now-

[ToN spoiler] If Rachel could see the Brooklyn House, as well as Felix's penguins, does that mean she can see through the Duat? 

More importantly, does that mean she can be a fucking magician in the House of Life if she has the Blood of the Pharaohs? Whose path will she follow? 

↬ Did anyone else notice that Apollo was the only person in the Titan's Curse to actually answer all of ten-year-old Nico's questions without getting annoyed or having the sudden urge to stuff him in a meat sack and throw him to the wolves (*cough* Percy *cough*) and even ruffled his hair? And he's not even the god of children (that's his sister) so that action was just so genuine and wholesome despite everything the pre-Lester Apollo was? 

↬ Why is it that technology is only bad for Greek and Roman demigods? Why not the Norse demigods or the Egyptian magicians? You ever think about how it could just be a rumor or something? Like, some demigods died in a row and they were using their phones and didn't notice the monster or something, so the rest thought technology was bad luck or was a signal to monsters? Or what if Chiron and Lupa became The Parents™ and wanted the demigods to stay off their phones unlike regular teenagers?

↬ Did Carter ever revisit the recordings and during the starting of Red Pyramid, thought, "Oh look, that's my future girlfriend planning to murder me with a knife while I drift into unconsciousness <3"?

Does this mean this is like a enemies-to-friends-to-lovers trope or something-? 

↬ UHM is it just me who didn't know until now that at the end of the graphic novel of The Red Pyramid, Sadie is wearing a CHB shirt under her jacket? And that's not all. At the end of the graphic novel of Throne of Fire, Carter is seen wearing a Camp Jupiter shirt under his sweatshirt.

And they hadn't even met Percy and Annabeth yet...

↬ Does Riptide actually somehow communicate with Jack or is it all fake like we've assumed? Or maybe she can but doesn't want to? 

I mean, how do we know that she's not in a secret relationship with... I don't know, Annabeth's dagger or something?

↬ Do you ever just... break down after reading this? 

"Seeing Carter hurt was the final insult. My grandparents had been possessed. My friends had been attacked, and my birthday ruined. But my brother was off-limits. No one was allowed to hurt my brother."

I think I had more feels during this whole scene than when Percabeth fell into Tartarus, to be honest. Especially since I have a brother myself. I related to this single sentence more than almost every other heartbreaking moment in any of the Riordanverse series. 

Anyway, that wasn't the real question. My question is how in the world did Jaz know that Sadie would need Carter's figurine?

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if she somehow bumped into one of the Apollo kids or Apollo himself who blessed her with prophetic powers in times of emergencies that would occur in the near future.

Or maybe it's a blonde healer thing. 

↬ You know who we should thank for the existence of pretty much everyone? 

Hazel Levesque. 

This girl prevented Gaia from waking up in the 1940s by sacrificing her life. 

How do some people still have the audacity to ignore her? 

↬ So is no one going to question the fact that Alex has seen Magnus pantless and shirtless (at different times, thank god, but still)?

↬ Why is this fandom sleeping on the fact that Blitz made a tanning bed just so Hearth could sleep over with him?

Also, why aren't they married yet?

↬ If everyone was so scared of being called prettier than Aphrodite, why didn't they just use it on the monsters? They wouldn't have lasted a second, trust me.

↬ If everyone was so scared of being called prettier than Aphrodite, why didn't they just use it on the monsters? They wouldn't have lasted a second, trust me

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