Chapter 56: Pelicans and Cuddle Dates

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The next morning, Bobby and Mary woke the same way they went to bed—in each other's arms. "Hi," she said with a tired voice. "Hi," he spoke back. She may not know a lot, but one thing is certain. She's in the arms of a man who loves her, with all his heart. If only she had realized the cure for all her anxiety, her panic, and her fear is him. It's his arms, his voice, his smile. There's security in his love.

"I realized something," she told him. She smiled at his messy hair. He always tries to keep it neat.  It usually is, except when the wind blows it from a bike ride or when he wakes in the morning. She raised her hand and smoothed it down.

He gave a sleepy grin. "What did you realize?" He loves the way she loves him and takes care of him.

She admitted, "It's kind of profound. Hold on to your socks." He chuckled as he waited for her to tell him. "A girl who overthinks everything, needs to date an understanding guy. That's you. You're my understanding guy." She squeezed his bicep.

His heart fluttered in his chest. She has no idea what she does to him. "I still remember the feeling I felt, when I first started talking to you. I was nervous and my heart raced and I felt like an idiot. You still make me feel that way, but without the feeling like an idiot part. And then when we first kissed, I knew I didn't want anyone else to have your affection. I definitely didn't want you to be in anyone else's arms, because you belong in mine. You fit with me." He wiped at her tears, with his thumb.

With a broken voice, she apologized. "Bobby I'm so sorry. I put you last and my own selfish ideas first. I need to tell you the truth." She closed her eyes and reached out for his hand. When she opened them again, she admitted a few things.

 "I still haven't gotten over how I acted in Life Skills, and fainting. I let all of my insecurities and fears strangle me. And I started to medicate it with stuff, wrong stuff. See, your opinion means more to me than anyone's. I didn't want you to think I'm such a mess and not worthy of you." 

It took a lot for her to confess that. And only her Bobby Brown would say, "I know. I was waiting for you to know too." He's her understanding guy.

"Mary you forget I know you. And you're no messier than me. You're not perfect, and I'm not perfect. Our strengths and weaknesses compliment each other. It makes us better, together. But what hurts is, you didn't trust my love for you. You let your fears and insecurities be bigger than our love." He rolled onto his back and covered his face with his hand.

She sighed. Then she sat up and pried his hand away from his face. "OK, so here goes. These are my deepest secrets I'm trusting you with, and only you. First of all, I hate pelicans. They make me incredibly afraid. I break out into anxiety whenever I see one." She saw his face break out into a smile. "No, I'm serious. When I was little one swooped down and stole my cute little hat from off my head. Then it stared chasing me, like it wanted to steal my hair. They're evil birds."

 He started laughing picturing the look on her face when it happened. Good, she made him laugh even though everything she said is true. "Also, I don't like cleaning the bathroom or washing dishes. Those are my least favorite chores to do. Fair warning, I will still hate them when we get married. And there's something else you should know." She stopped to collect her thoughts.

He saw her stop. So he started to rub her hand with his thumb. She spoke, "If I don't get class valedictorian I'll probably freak out. I'll most likely hide myself away from the world. Kind of like you did after the tournament." She saw his face fall. She laid back down and put her head on his chest. "But I promise to let you into my hideaway. But only you. No one else. You'll have to karate kick them away."

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